Just a few Basic (and QBasic) listings.
- Numerus Romanus : Convert Roman numerals to Arabic numerals.
- Factorielle : Helps you to calculate a factorial with a function and some recursivity.
- Tris : Some sorting algorithms :
- bubble sort (in french we say "Tri à Bulles")
- selection sort (in french we say "tri par sélection" ou "tri par extraction")
- tournament sort (in french we say "Tri Tournoi")
- insertion sort (in french we say "Tri par insertion")
- PGCD : Find the GCD (PGCD in french) of two numbers.
- PPCM : Find the LCM (PPCM in french) of two numbers.
- The Gasp : A little solo game where you have to succeed in turning over all the cards.
The Gasp is also available in Javascript :
Or in VBNet :