The wall is an application that allows users to register, login, and write on a wall.
1. cd wall-app/backend
2. pip install -r requirements.txt
3. python migrate
4. python createsuperuser
5. python runserver
1. cd wall-app/client
2. npm install
3. npm start
- Registration and Login: Anonymous users can create a new user and this new user receives a welcome email. New users can then log in.
- Wall (authed): After logging in, a user can post messages on the site-wide wall, similar to a facebook wall except there is only 1 wall for the entire site.
- Wall (guest): Guests as well as authed users can see all of the messages on the wall.
- Backend - REST API built using Django (Python)
- Frontend - AJAX-based website using React (JavaScript)
- Styled Components
- React Smooth Scroll
- React Icons
- Fully responsive - mobile optimized