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Ivan Molodetskikh edited this page Sep 13, 2024 · 2 revisions

These modules require niri >= 0.1.9.


The workspaces module displays the currently used workspaces in niri.


Addressed by niri/workspaces

option typeof default description
all-outputs bool false If set to false, workspaces will only be shown on the output they are on. If set to true all workspaces will be shown on every output.
format string {value} The format, how information should be displayed.
format-icons object Based on the workspace name and state, the corresponding icon gets selected.
See Icons
disable-click bool false If set to false, you can click to change workspace. If set to true this behaviour is disabled.
disable-markup bool false If set to true, button label will escape pango markup.
current-only bool false If set to true, only the active or focused workspace will be shown.
on-update string Command to execute when the module is updated.

Format replacements:

string replacement
{value} Name of the workspace, or index for unnamed workspaces, as defined by niri.
{name} Name of the workspace for named workspaces.
{icon} Icon, as defined in format-icons.
{index} Index of the workspace on its output.
{output} Output where the workspace is located.


Additional to workspace name matching, the following format-icons can be set.

port name note
default Will be shown when no string matches are found.
focused Will be shown when the workspace is focused.
active Will be shown when the workspace is active on its output.


"niri/workspaces": {
	"format": "{icon}",
	"format-icons": {
		// Named workspaces
		// (you need to configure them in niri)
		"browser": "",
		"discord": "",
		"chat": "<b></b>",

		// Icons by state
		"active": "",
		"default": ""


  • #workspaces
  • #workspaces button
  • #workspaces button.focused The single focused workspace.
  • #workspaces The workspace is active (visible) on its output.
  • #workspaces button.empty The workspace is empty.
  • #workspaces button.current_output The workspace is from the same output as the bar that it is displayed on.
  • #workspaces button#niri-workspace-<name> Workspaces named this, or index for unnamed workspaces.

The way the CSS is evaluated you need to order it in order of importance with last taking precedent.


The window module displays the title of the currently focused window in niri.


Addressed by niri/window

option typeof default description
format string {title} The format, how information should be displayed. On {} the current window title is displayed.
rewrite object {} Rules to rewrite the module format output. The rules are identical to those for sway/window.
separate-outputs bool false Show the active window of the monitor the bar belongs to, instead of the focused window.
icon bool false Option to disable application icon.
icon-size integer 24 Set the size of application icon.

Format Replacements:

See the output of niri msg windows for examples.

string replacement
{title} The current title of the focused window.
{app_id} The current app ID of the focused window.


"niri/window": {
	"format": "{}",
	"rewrite": {
		"(.*) - Mozilla Firefox": "🌎 $1",
		"(.*) - zsh": "> [$1]"


  • #window

The following classes can apply styles to the entire Waybar (see the Sway module's page for more info):

  • window#waybar.empty When no windows are in the workspace
  • window#waybar.solo When one tiled window is visible in the workspace (floating windows may be present)
  • window#waybar.<app_id> Where <app_id> is the app ID (e.g. neovide) of the only window on the workspace (use niri msg windows to see app IDs).


This will change the color of the entire bar when either Alacritty or Chromium occupy the screen.

#window {
    border-radius: 20px;
    padding-left: 10px;
    padding-right: 10px;

window#waybar.Alacritty {
    background-color: #111111;
    color: #ffffff;

window#waybar.chromium-browser {
    background-color: #eeeeee;
    color: #000000;

/* make window module transparent when no windows present */
window#waybar.empty #window {
    background-color: transparent;


The language module displays the currently selected keyboard language (layout) in niri.


Addressed by niri/language

option typeof default description
format string {} The format, how information should be displayed. On {} the current layout's full name is displayed.
format-<lang> string Provide an alternative name to display per language where is the language of your choosing. Can be passed multiple times with multiple languages as shown by the example below.


"niri/language": {
	"format": "Lang: {long}",
	"format-en": "AMERICA, HELL YEAH!",
	"format-tr": "As bayrakları"


  • #language


#language {
    border-radius: 20px;
    padding-left: 10px;
    padding-right: 10px;
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