We want you to calculate the sum of squares of given integers, excluding any negatives.
The first line of the input will be an integer N (1 <= N <= 100), indicating the number of test cases to follow.
Each of the test cases will consist of a line with an integer X (0 < X <= 100), followed by another line consisting of X number of space-separated integers Yn (-100 <= Yn <= 100).
For each test case, calculate the sum of squares of the integers, excluding any negatives, and print the calculated sum in the output.
- Note 1: There should be no output until all the input has been received.
- Note 2: Do not put blank lines between test cases solutions.
- Note 3: Take input from standard input, and output to standard output.
Write your solution using Python Programming Language.
Specific rules for Python solution
- Your source code must be a single file, containing at least a main function
- Do not use any for loop, while loop, or any list / set / dictionary comprehension
- Your solution will be tested against Python 3.11 (as of February 2023)
3 -1 1 14
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