Python package for API access and management for TP-Link Routers. See Supported routers
pip install tplinkrouterc6u
Enter the host & credentials used to log in to your router management page. Username is admin by default. But you may pass username as third parameter
from tplinkrouterc6u import (
from logging import Logger
router = TplinkRouterProvider.get_client('', 'password')
# You may use client directly like
# router = TplinkRouter('', 'password')
# You may also pass username if it is different and a logger to log errors as
# router = TplinkRouter('','password','admin2', Logger('test'))
# If you have the TP-link C5400X or similar, you can use the TplinkC5400XRouter class instead of the TplinkRouter class.
# Remember that the password for this router is different, here you need to use the web encrypted password.
# To get web encrypted password, read Web Encrypted Password section
# router = TplinkC5400XRouter('','WebEncryptedPassword', Logger('test'))
router.authorize() # authorizing
# Get firmware info - returns Firmware
firmware = router.get_firmware()
# Get status info - returns Status
status = router.get_status()
if not status.guest_2g_enable: # check if guest 2.4G wifi is disable
router.set_wifi(Connection.GUEST_2G, True) # turn on guest 2.4G wifi
# Get Address reservations, sort by ipaddr
reservations = router.get_ipv4_reservations()
reservations.sort(key=lambda a: a.ipaddr)
for res in reservations:
print(f"{res.macaddr} {res.ipaddr:16s} {res.hostname:36} {'Permanent':12}")
# Get DHCP leases, sort by ipaddr
leases = router.get_ipv4_dhcp_leases()
leases.sort(key=lambda a: a.ipaddr)
for lease in leases:
print(f"{lease.macaddr} {lease.ipaddr:16s} {lease.hostname:36} {lease.lease_time:12}")
router.logout() # always logout as TP-Link Web Interface only supports upto 1 user logged
The TP-Link Web Interface only supports upto 1 user logged in at a time (for security reasons, apparently). So before action you need to authorize and after logout
If you got exception - use web encrypted password instead. Check the documentation!
or you have TP-link C5400X or similar router you need to get web encrypted password by these actions:
- Go to the login page of your router. (default:
- Type in the password you use to login into the password field.
- Click somewhere else on the page so that the password field is not selected anymore.
- Open the JavaScript console of your browser (usually by pressing F12 and then clicking on "Console").
- Type
- Copy the returned value as password and use it.
Function | Args | Description | Return |
get_firmware | Gets firmware info about the router | Firmware | |
get_status | Gets status about the router info including wifi statuses and connected devices info | Status | |
get_ipv4_status | Gets WAN and LAN IPv4 status info, gateway, DNS, netmask | IPv4Status | |
get_ipv4_reservations | Gets IPv4 reserved addresses (static) | [IPv4Reservation] | |
get_ipv4_dhcp_leases | Gets IPv4 addresses assigned via DHCP | [IPv4DHCPLease] | |
set_wifi | wifi: Connection, enable: bool | Allow to turn on/of 4 wifi networks | |
reboot | reboot router | ||
authorize | authorize for actions | ||
logout | logout after all is done | ||
get_vpn_status | Gets VPN info for OpenVPN and PPTPVPN and connected clients amount | VPNStatus | |
set_vpn | vpn: VPNStatus, enable: bool | Allow to turn on/of VPN | |
send_sms | phone_number: str, message: str | Send sms for LTE routers | |
send_ussd | command: str | Send USSD command for LTE routers | str |
get_sms | Get sms messages from the first page for LTE routers | [SMS] | |
set_sms_read | sms: SMS | Set sms message read from the first page for LTE routers | |
delete_sms | sms: SMS | Delete sms message from the first page for LTE routers | |
get_lte_status | Get lte info for LTE routers | LTEStatus |
Field | Description | Type |
hardware_version | Returns like - Archer C6U | str |
model | Returns like - Archer C6U v1.0 | str |
firmware_version | Returns like - 1.1.3 Build 3425243 | str |
Field | Description | Type |
wan_macaddr | router wan mac address | str, None |
wan_macaddress | router wan mac address | macaddress.EUI48, None |
lan_macaddr | router lan mac address | str |
lan_macaddress | router lan mac address | macaddress.EUI48 |
wan_ipv4_addr | router wan ipv4 address | str, None |
wan_ipv4_address | router wan ipv4 address | ipaddress.IPv4Address, None |
lan_ipv4_addr | router lan ipv4 address | str, None |
lan_ipv4_address | router lan ipv4 address | ipaddress.IPv4Address, None |
wan_ipv4_gateway | router wan ipv4 gateway | str, None |
wan_ipv4_gateway_address | router wan ipv4 gateway address | ipaddress.IPv4Address, None |
wired_total | Total amount of wired clients | int |
wifi_clients_total | Total amount of host wifi clients | int |
guest_clients_total | Total amount of guest wifi clients | int |
clients_total | Total amount of all connected clients | int |
iot_clients_total | Total amount of all iot connected clients | int, None |
guest_2g_enable | Is guest wifi 2.4G enabled | bool |
guest_5g_enable | Is guest wifi 5G enabled | bool, None |
guest_6g_enable | Is guest wifi 6G enabled | bool, None |
iot_2g_enable | Is IoT wifi 2.4G enabled | bool, None |
iot_5g_enable | Is IoT wifi 5G enabled | bool, None |
iot_6g_enable | Is IoT wifi 6G enabled | bool, None |
wifi_2g_enable | Is host wifi 2.4G enabled | bool |
wifi_5g_enable | Is host wifi 5G enabled | bool, None |
wifi_6g_enable | Is host wifi 6G enabled | bool, None |
wan_ipv4_uptime | Internet Uptime | int, None |
mem_usage | Memory usage in percentage between 0 and 1 | float, None |
cpu_usage | CPU usage in percentage between 0 and 1 | float, None |
conn_type | Connection type | str, None |
devices | List of all connectedd devices | list[Device] |
Field | Description | Type |
type | client connection type (2.4G or 5G, guest wifi or host wifi, wired) | Connection |
macaddr | client mac address | str |
macaddress | client mac address | macaddress |
ipaddr | client ip address | str |
ipaddress | client ip address | ipaddress |
hostname | client hostname | str |
packets_sent | total packets sent | int, None |
packets_received | total packets received | int, None |
down_speed | download speed | int, None |
up_speed | upload speed | int, None |
signal | Signal strength | int, None |
Field | Description | Type |
macaddr | client mac address | str |
macaddress | client mac address | macaddress |
ipaddr | client ip address | str |
ipaddress | client ip address | ipaddress |
hostname | client hostname | str |
enabled | enabled | bool |
Field | Description | Type |
macaddr | client mac address | str |
macaddress | client mac address | macaddress |
ipaddr | client ip address | str |
ipaddress | client ip address | ipaddress |
hostname | client hostname | str |
lease_time | ip address lease time | str |
Field | Description | Type |
wan_macaddr | router mac address | str |
wan_macaddress | router mac address | macaddress |
wan_ipv4_ipaddr | router mac address | str, None |
wan_ipv4_ipaddress | router mac address | ipaddress.IPv4Address, None |
wan_ipv4_gateway | router WAN gateway IP address | str, None |
wan_ipv4_gateway_address | router WAN gateway IP address | ipaddress.IPv4Address, None |
wan_ipv4_conntype | router connection type | str |
wan_ipv4_netmask | router WAN gateway IP netmask | str, None |
wan_ipv4_netmask_address | router WAN gateway IP netmask | ipaddress.IPv4Address, None |
wan_ipv4_pridns | router primary dns server | str |
wan_ipv4_pridns_address | router primary dns server | ipaddress |
wan_ipv4_snddns | router secondary dns server | str |
wan_ipv4_snddns_address | router secondary dns server | ipaddress |
lan_macaddr | router mac address | str |
lan_macaddress | router mac address | macaddress |
lan_ipv4_ipaddr | router LAN IP address | str |
lan_ipv4_ipaddress | router LAN IP address | ipaddress |
lan_ipv4_dhcp_enable | router LAN DHCP enabled | bool |
lan_ipv4_netmask | router LAN gateway IP netmask | str |
lan_ipv4_netmask_address | router LAN gateway IP netmask | ipaddress |
remote | router remote | bool, None |
Field | Description | Type |
openvpn_enable | OpenVPN is enabled | bool |
pptpvpn_enable | PPTPVPN is enabled | bool |
openvpn_clients_total | OpenVPN clients connected | int |
pptpvpn_clients_total | PPTPVPN clients connected | int |
Field | Description | Type |
id | message index | int |
sender | sender | str |
content | sms text | str |
received_at | received datetime | datetime |
unread | is message unread | bool |
Field | Description | Type |
enable | is enabled | int |
connect_status | connect status | int |
network_type | network type | int |
sim_status | sim status | int |
total_statistics | total statistics in bytes | int |
cur_rx_speed | current download speed in bytes per second | int |
cur_tx_speed | current upload speed in bytes per second | int |
sms_unread_count | sms unread amount | int |
sig_level | signal level | int |
rsrp | RSRP | int |
rsrq | RSRQ | int |
snr | SNR | int |
isp_name | ISP name | str |
- Connection.HOST_2G - host wifi 2.4G
- Connection.HOST_5G - host wifi 5G
- Connection.HOST_6G - host wifi 5G
- Connection.GUEST_2G - guest wifi 2.4G
- Connection.GUEST_5G - guest wifi 5G
- Connection.GUEST_6G - guest wifi 5G
- Connection.IOT_2G - IoT wifi 2.4G
- Connection.IOT_5G - IoT wifi 5G
- Connection.IOT_6G - IoT wifi 6G
- Connection.WIRED - Wired
- Archer A7 V5
- Archer A9 V6
- Archer AX10 v1.0
- Archer AX12 v1.0
- Archer AX20 v1.0
- Archer AX20 v3.0
- Archer AX21 (v1.20, v3.0)
- Archer AX23 (v1.0, v1.2)
- Archer AX50 v1.0
- Archer AX53 v2
- Archer AX55 (v1.0, V1.60, v4.0)
- Archer AX72 V1
- Archer AX73 V1
- Archer AX75 V1
- Archer AX90 V1.20
- Archer AXE75 V1
- Archer AXE16000
- Archer AX1800
- Archer AX3000 V1
- Archer AX6000 V1
- Archer AX11000 V1
- Archer BE800 v1.0
- Archer BE805 v1.0
- Archer BE3600 1.6
- Archer C1200 (v1.0, v2.0)
- Archer C2300 (v1.0, v2.0)
- Archer C6 (v2.0, v3.0)
- Archer C6U v1.0
- Archer C7 (v4.0, v5.0)
- Archer C5400X V1
- Archer GX90 v1.0
- Archer MR200 (v5, v5.3, v6.0)
- Archer MR550 v1
- Archer MR600 (v1, v2, v3)
- Archer VR600 v3
- Archer VR900v
- Archer VR1200v v1
- Archer VR2100v v1
- Archer VX1800v v1.0
- Deco M4 2.0
- Deco M4R 2.0
- Deco M5 v3
- Deco M9 Pro
- Deco M9 Plus 1.0
- Deco P7
- Deco X20
- Deco X50 v1.3
- Deco X60 V3
- Deco X90
- Deco XE75 (v1.0, v2.0)
- EX511 v2.0
- HX510 v1.0
- NX510v v1.0
- TD-W9960 (v1, V1.20)
- TL-MR100 v2.0
- TL-MR105
- TL-MR6400 (v5, v5.3)
- TL-MR6500v
- TL-WA3001 v1.0
- TL-XDR3010 V2
- AD7200 V2
- Archer A6 (V2 and V3)
- Archer A10 (V1 and V2)
- Archer A20 (V1, V3)
- Archer C8 (V3 and V4)
- Archer C9 (V4 and V5)
- Archer C59 V2
- Archer C90 V6
- Archer C900 V1
- Archer C1200 V3
- Archer C1900 V2
- Archer C4000 (V2 and V3)
- Archer C5400 V2
- TL-WR1043N V5
Please let me know if you have tested integration with one of this or other model. Open an issue with info about router's model, hardware and firmware versions.
- Download this repository.
- Run
pip install -e path/to/repo
. - Make changes to files within the
directory. - Exercise the changes following the "Usage" section above.
The sanity check illustrates a few tests and runs through a list of queries in queries.txt creating logs of the results of each query in the logs folder. This can be used to capture the dictionary output of all cgi-bin form submissions.
- Run
python -m unittest discover ./test