Download the latest
"TBMethod-<\*version #\*>.paclet"
file to one's local machine; -
PacletInstall["<*path-to-download*>/TBMethod-<*version #*>.paclet"]
- Outstanding
- For single kernel, load the package by
- For parallel computation, load it by
- Check the installation by
Scan[Echo @* Information] @ {"TBMethod`MDConstruct`*", "TBMethod`EigenSpect`*", "TBMethod`LGFF`*", "TBMethod`DataVisualization`*"}
and four lists of functions should be indexed out.
- Run
for uninstallation or reinstallation.
- Highlights: sufficient employment of the NNS (nearest neighbor search) algorithm, so that the total computation complexity tends to be fine as:
Model construction linear in system's size $ \text{O}(n) $:
- Generation of Hamiltonian matrices,
- Adaptive partition of central scattering region
Calculation of transport related quantities:
- 5-terminal Hall calculation in $ \text{O}(n^{1.7}) $
MMA-style documentation under construction
- PRL 61, 2015 (1988).
- PRL 95, 146802 (2005).
- PRL 95, 226801 (2025).
- PRB 82, 161414(R) (2010).
- PRL 124, 136403 (2020).
- PRL 124, 166804 (2020).
- Datta, Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems.
- Datta, Quantum Transport: Atom to Transistor.
- PRL 97, 066603 (2006).
- Nanotechnology 18, 435402 (2007).
- PRB 91, 125408 (2015).
- PRB 97, 165405 (2018).