Introducing OpenLyricsClient - the ultimate lyrics tool for singing enthusiasts.
With OpenLyricsClient, you'll never miss a beat - it gets the lyrics for almost any song with ease.
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Simple and intuitive to use, OpenLyricsClient offers a user-friendly interface that lets you personalize the tool to suit your preferences. Whether you're belting out your favorite ballads or jamming along to the latest pop hits, this versatile tool has got you covered. So why wait? Download OpenLyricsClient today and take your singing experience to the next level.
Some previews:
You want to blur some things up? Just enable it! Its 2 clicks away!
Don't you ever want to sing along to songs in other languages? Simply use the romanization feature!
Currently Supported languages:
- Japanese
- Korean
- Russian
Did you know that the OpenLyricsClient is the first lyrics client with AI synchronization? I didn't know that either ;). However, the AI sync is only available for OpenLyricsClient Plus and Master members. But feel free to contact me on Discord! I'll give it out if you ask nicely. :D
Lets get started by linking you spotify account:
Feel free to share your feedback with me on Discord! You can find me under the tag Alex.#8988. If you want to use it right now, simply clone the tool and build it using the scripts inside the scrips directory