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Vue Starter Template. Composition API.

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Vue Starter project on Vite for a quick start in developing Vue applications using the Composition API.

If you want to start from a clean slate, use the "initial" branch.

The project includes not only components and views, but also examples of working with:

  • pinia (stores),
  • routing and nested routes, access to pages based on roles,
  • directives,
  • composables,
  • ready-to-use Vuetify components (everything prefixed with "v-", such as v-container).

Simply remove unnecessary parts and start development from the stage that suits your needs.


Running the Project

  • npm i

  • npm run dev

  • In the terminal, type the letter "o" and press enter. (o - open)


  • In the vite.config.js file, set the repository name for the base option, for example:
    base: '/Vue-Template-Starter/',

  • Run the command npm run deploy. After a short while (usually 3 minutes), your site will be available at:
    for example:

The project uses the following technologies and tools:

  • vue-router: Enables the creation of SPA (single-page applications) where page transitions occur without reloading through dynamic URL changes. With vue-router, you can set up various component routes and manage application state and navigation.

  • pinia: A state management library providing a simple and flexible way to centrally store data and manage application state. It allows for easy data sharing between components while maintaining convenience and performance.

  • Vuetify: A component library based on Material Design principles. It provides pre-styled components, helping to speed up development with responsive design and a variety of themes for UI components.

  • @mdi/font: A font library version of Material Design Icons (MDI) that allows you to add icons with minimal styling configuration.

  • gh-pages: An npm package that simplifies the deployment of static sites to GitHub Pages. It’s convenient for quick publication and project updates without the need to manually configure and upload files.

  • ESLint: A linter for JavaScript that analyzes code for standards compliance and identifies potential errors and issues. It helps maintain code style and cleanliness, ensuring consistency across the project.

  • Prettier: A code formatting tool for automatic styling.

  • unplugin-auto-import: A plugin for automatically importing functions and modules in JavaScript and TypeScript projects. It automatically adds required imports to the code when functions like ref, computed, useState, and others are used, reducing the need for manually written imports.