Remote Caller is an EditorInspectorPlugin for Godot Game Engine that allows users to call functions and emit signals with various parameters in game from a few clicks on the Inspector
You can call any function* (with any number of parameters) and or emit a signal (with any number of parameters) on any object that you can inspect
We've intentionally blocked a few of the major Engine Callbacks to save you from yourself but feel free to go into to "res://addons/remote_caller/" if you must.
- ( Refer to the gif at the top for visual instruction )
- Download the latest release
- Unzip it
- Add the unzipped folder to your project's addons folder
- Click Project -> Project Settings -> Plugin Tab -> Enable "Remote Caller"
- Run your project
- Click "Remote" in the Scene Tree Dock
- Select the Node you want to use (or find the object on a node that you want to use)
- Under "Script Variables" in the inspector, initialize the array to 0 (or required parameters)
- Select the function/signal from the Menu under "Remote Caller"
- Press "call" and watch magic happen
- Cannot set Objects as parameters. They vanish the moment you do.
- Cannot set RIDs as parameters. They vanish the moment you do.