A tiny aliyun oss sdk for browser which focus on uploading. Less than 10kb (min+gzipped).
English | 简体中文
npm install tiny-oss
yarn add tiny-oss
const oss = new TinyOSS({
accessKeyId: 'your accessKeyId',
accessKeySecret: 'your accessKeySecret',
// Recommend to use the stsToken option in browser
stsToken: 'security token',
region: 'oss-cn-beijing',
bucket: 'your bucket'
const blob = new Blob(['hello world'], { type: 'text/plain' });
// Upload
oss.put('hello-world', blob);
You can specify the third parameter to monitor the upload progress data:
// Upload progress
oss.put('hello-world', blob, {
onprogress (e) {
console.log('total: ', e.total, ', uploaded: ', e.loaded);
More options or methods see API.
This package depends on some modern Web APIs, such as Blob, Uint8Array, FileReader, Promise.
So, it should work in the below browsers.
- Chrome >= 20
- Edge >= 12
- IE >= 10
- Firefox >= 4
- Safari >= 8
- Opera >= 11
- Android >= 4.4.4
- iOS >= 8
For IE and low version FireFox, you should import a promise polyfill, such as es6-promise.
new TinyOSS(options)
Please check Browser.js offical document.
- accessKeyId
- accessKeySecret
- stsToken
- bucket
- endpoint
- region
- secure
- timeout
Upload the blob.
- objectName (String): The object name.
- blob (Blob|File): The object to be uploaded.
- [options (Object)]
- [onprogress (Function)]: The upload progress event listener receiving an progress event object as an parameter.
- (Promise)
Create a symlink.
- objectName (String): The symlink object name.
- targetObjectName (String): The target object name.
- (Promise)
Get a signature url to download the file.
- objectName (String): The object name.
- [options (Object)]:
- [options.expires (Number)]: The url expires (unit: seconds).
- (String)