Project status: completed
This project shows using of regular expressions.
All valuable or confidential data has been deleted.
There are three Jupyter Notebooks used for the pre-processing of citations for a scientific report.
The input data taken from is citations in the bibtex format. The citations has been collected in the file all_article.bib. This file is similar to the example below, but is significantly longer. It contains 7000+ citations.
author={Krylov, Vladimir and Bogachev, Aleksei},
booktitle={2021 23rd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing and its Applications (DSPA)},
title={Digital Signal Processing of Capacitance Transients of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits},
author={Alimuradov, Alan K.},
booktitle={2021 23rd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing and its Applications (DSPA)},
title={Enhancement of Speech Signal Segmentation Using Teager Energy Operator},
Jupyter Notebooks:
- Сollaborators.ipynb - After data cleaning and preparation, it reads key pharases from the file a_keys.txt, then select entries containing these key phrases from the file all_article.bib. Then, it makes adjacency list with pairs of coatuthors and number of their common publications. The list is used to create graphs and further analytics.
- KeyWords.ipynb - It collects key phrases from all_article.bib, counts their number in this file, selects key phrases that are longer than one word and occur more than four times, and puts the results into a file keycounter(key length more than 1 and number more than 4 and sorted keys).csv
- articlesfinder.ipynb - It finds citations with keywords defined in the file keys.txt among input data (all_article.bib) and puts them in the file articles_for_references.bib. There is a special field for keywords, so there is no need to use complicated techniques to detect them. The articles_for_references.bib served as raw data for refrences in the laTeX project, so it is not utilized in the previous notebooks.