This repo includes all (most of them) algorithms and data structures and their time and space complexities.
- Sorting & Searching [X]
- Bubble Sort [X]
- Insertion Sort [X]
- Selection Sort [X]
- Merge Sort [X]
- Quick Sort [X]
- Linear Search [X]
- Binary Search [X]
- KMP Algorithm []
- Data Structures []
- Singly Linked List [X]
- Doubly Linked List [X]
- Circular Linked List []
- Stacks + Queues [X]
- Priority Queues [X]
- Binary Search Trees [X]
- Tree Traversal [X]
- AVL Trees []
- Binary Heaps [X]
- Hash Tables [X]
- Graphs [X]
- Graph Traversal [X]
- Other []
- Dijkstra's Algorithm []
- Dynamic Programming []
- Fisher Yates Shuffle Algorithm [X]
- Huffman Data Encryption []