This repository contains a collection of C++ exercises suitable for beginners. These exercises are designed to help you practice and strengthen your programming skills in C++. Each exercise focuses on a specific concept or problem-solving technique.
- Exercise 1: Hello World
- Exercise 2: Sum of Two Numbers
- Exercise 3: Even or Odd
- Exercise 4: Fibonacci Sequence
- Exercise 5: Factorial
- Exercise 6: Prime Number
- Exercise 7: Reverse a String
- Exercise 8: Palindrome
- Exercise 9: Multiplication Table
- Exercise 10: Game Number Guessing
- Exercise 11: Leap Year
- Exercise 12: Temperature Conversion
- Exercise 13: Array Sum
- Exercise 14: Array Average
- Exercise 15: Array Sorting
- Exercise 16: String Length
- Exercise 17: Count Vowels and Consonants
- Exercise 18: Sum of Digits
- Exercise 19: Power of a Number
- Exercise 20: Palindrome Array
- Exercise 21: Prime Numbers in a Range
- Exercise 22: Armstrong Number
- Exercise 23: Perfect Number
- Exercise 24: Binary to Decimal Conversion
- Exercise 25: Decimal to Binary Conversion
- Exercise 26: Factorial using Recursion
- Exercise 27: Fibonacci Series using Recursion
- Exercise 28: String Palindrome using Recursion
- Exercise 29: Check Anagram Strings
- Exercise 30: File Handling - Word Count
- Exercise 31: Matrix Addition
- Exercise 32: Matrix Multiplication
- Exercise 33: Linear Search
- Exercise 34: Binary Search
- Exercise 35: Bubble Sort
- Exercise 36: Selection Sort
- Exercise 37: Insertion Sort
- Exercise 38: Palindrome Linked List
- Exercise 39: Reverse a Linked List
- Exercise 40: Tower of Hanoi
- Exercise 41: Binary Tree Traversal
- Exercise 42: Find Maximum and Minimum in an Array
- Exercise 43: Reverse an Array
- Exercise 44: Check if Array is Sorted
- Exercise 45: Sum of Array Elements
- Exercise 46: Count the Frequency of Elements in an Array
- Exercise 47: Merge Two Sorted Arrays
- Exercise 48: Check if String is an Isogram
- Exercise 49: Calculate the Average of a Dynamic Array
- Exercise 50: Generate a Pascal's Triangle
- Exercise 51: Sum of Digits using Recursion
- Exercise 52: GCD (Greatest Common Divisor)
- Exercise 53: LCM (Least Common Multiple)
- Exercise 54: Reverse a Number
- Exercise 55: Remove Duplicate Elements from an Array
- Exercise 56: Check if String is a Pangram
- Exercise 57: Count Words in a Sentence
- Exercise 58: Check if String is a Valid Parentheses Expression
- Exercise 59: Generate Prime Numbers
- Exercise 61: Count the Number of Vowels and Consonants in a String
- Exercise 62: Find the Longest Word in a Sentence
- Exercise 63: Print the Pascal's Triangle for a Given Number of Rows
- Exercise 64: Find the Second Largest Number in an Array
- Exercise 65: Check if a Number is a Perfect Square
- Exercise 66: Count the Number of Digits in a Number
- Exercise 67: Generate a Random Password
- Exercise 68: Convert a Decimal Number to Roman Numerals
- Exercise 69: Check if a Number is a Palindrome
- Exercise 70: Calculate the Factorial of a Number using Recursion
- Exercise 71: Reverse Words in a Sentence
- Exercise 72: Check if a Number is a Perfect Number
- Exercise 73: Find the Prime Factors of a Number
- Exercise 74: Find the Sum of Prime Numbers within a Range
- Exercise 75: Check if a String is a Palindrome using Recursion
- Exercise 76: Calculate the Power of a Number using Recursion
- Exercise 77: Check if a Number is an Armstrong Number
- Exercise 78: Generate Fibonacci Numbers up to a Given Limit
- Exercise 79: Calculate the Sum of Digits in a Number using Recursion
- Exercise 80: Check if a Year is a Leap Year using Functions
- Exercise 81: Find the Factorial of a Number using Functions
- Exercise 82: Find the GCD of Two Numbers using Functions
- Exercise 83: Find the LCM of Two Numbers using Functions
- Exercise 84: Check if a Number is Prime using Functions
- Exercise 85: Calculate the Power of a Number using Functions
- Exercise 86: Count the Number of Words in a Sentence using Functions
- Exercise 87: Check if a String is a Palindrome using Functions
- Exercise 88: Find the Maximum and Minimum Values in an Array using Functions
- Exercise 89: Sort an Array in Ascending Order using Functions
- Exercise 90: Calculate the Average of an Array using Functions
- Exercise 91: Check if Two Strings are Anagrams using Functions
- Exercise 92: Find the Median of an Array using Functions
- Exercise 93: Calculate the Sum of Even and Odd Numbers in an Array using Functions
- Exercise 94: Find the Frequency of Elements in an Array using Functions
- Exercise 95: Check if a Number is a Perfect Square using Functions
- Exercise 96: Calculate the Factorial of a Number using Iteration
- Exercise 98: Generate Prime Numbers up to a Given Limit using Functions
- Exercise 99: Find the Largest Element in an Array using Functions
- Exercise 100: Find the Second Smallest Element in an Array using Functions
Clone the repository to your local machine.
git clone
Navigate to the desired exercise file.
cd cplusplus-exercises/exercises
Compile and run the exercise using a C++ compiler.
g++ exercise_name.cpp -o exercise_name./exercise_name
Follow the prompts or check the program's output to interact with the exercise.
Solve the exercise by writing the necessary code in the provided template or by creating a new file.
Test your solution and verify that it produces the expected results.
Repeat the process for other exercises in the repository.
Feel free to explore, modify, and expand upon these exercises to further improve your C++ skills. Happy coding!
Contributions to this repository are welcome! If you have additional C++ exercises or improvements to existing exercises, please feel free to submit a pull request.
This repository is licensed under the MIT License