Functionality to analyze the structure of Julia's METADATA repository.
This adds the following to the original development:
- analysis of installed packages from
directory - merging views: installed and registered, forward and reverse dependencies
- improved vertex display when generating graphs in
format - utility program to generate graphs
Examples of generated graphs:
To test (Julia 0.4 required) :cd test; julia runtests.jl
- test under Windows
- add documentation
Installation: Pkg.add("MetadataTools")
... is pretty much just the comments in the code. I also gave a talk about MetadataTools.jl and I've posted the associated IJulia Notebook. Here are the code comments reproduced for your convenience:
Return a structure with all information about the package listed in METADATA, e.g.
julia> get_pkg("DataFrames")
DataFrames git://
0.1.0,7b1c6b,julia 0.1- 0.2-,Options,StatsBase
0.2.0,b5f0fe,julia 0.2-,GZip,Options,StatsBase
0.5.7,a8ae61,julia 0.3-,DataArrays,StatsBase 0.3.9+,GZip,Sort...
Walks through the METADATA folder, returns a vector of PkgMeta
for every package found.
Uses the information in the ~/julia.d/
directory, returns a
vector of of PkgMeta
s, one entry for each package found.
Run through all versions of a package to try to determine if there
is an upper limit on the Julia version this package is installable
on. Does so by checking all Julia requirements across all versions.
If there is a limit, returns that version, otherwise v0.0.0
Populates the following type as much as possible using information
from package hosting (currently only GitHub). Can take an auth
token if available. pkg_url
should be a METADATA.jl style url,
i.e. git://...
immutable PkgInfo
html_url::String # URL of repo, in constrast to METADATA url
contributors::Vector{(Int,Contributor)} # (commit_count,Contrib.)
immutable Contributor
Takes as argument a directed graph and emits a new graph with same vertices and reversed edges
Takes two (directed) graphs (same type) as arguments and returns a new graph with vertices : the union of the sets of vertices, and for edges : set one edge between two vertices if such exists in either of the input graphs.
The functions value_single and value_pair are used to check for (semantic ) equality of vertices and edges. They may be overriden by the user program.
The function resolveProc
permits to parametrize the behaviour
when (semantically) equal vertices are found one in g1, the other
in g2. (since we make the hypothesis that all vertice in gn are
semantically distinct). If it returns false, the two nodes are
merged, if it returns true two nodes are inserted with an arrow
from the g1 vertex to the g2 vertex.
A command line utility with following characteristics
Flags: "--installed", "-i": Use installed package according to ~/julia.d/
"--rev" : Reverse graph arrows
"--pivot" : Merge direct and reverse graphs, --pkg required
"--both" : Merge registered and installed packages
"--dot" : Specify dot file name (output)
"--pkg" : Specify pkg name, if ommitted full dependency graph
The program builds a dot file for packages installed or registered.
When --pkg is specified, the graph is limited on dependencies for the given package.
When --rev is used, dependencies are reversed: packages depending on the given package are included.
When --pivot --pkg=... is used reverse and direct dependencies are merged
When --both is used ,the registered and installed views are merged
Node legends:
- for installed packages: MOD : the package has been modified since it was tag (by some commits) NTAG : no tag available (showing commit id) DIRTY : TBD (we do not recognize dirty packages)
- --both and --pivot may be used together