I joined pingas.army, a group of friends of a friend which also happens to participate in as a member of the group.
We're mainly "rookies" with less than 10 years of programming each.
Our objective wasn't the ladder but experimenting as much as we could.
We worked our asses off day and night from Friday March 19Th till Sunday 22nd.
This was so refreshing. The last CTF I participated in was back in 2016, I already participated in PicoCTF and some others I can't remember.
I remember training on pwnable.kr and alikes, this brought back a lot of memories !
Since I've mainly worked on web the last 3 years, I naturally focused on the web challenges.
I also tried a bit of good ol' reverse-engineering with my trusty r2
Again, this CTF made me discover angr
which seems the next big step for me.
Here are the challenges I was involved in :