Machine Learning using KNN Classifier and Visualization on Handwritten USPS Dataset
Handwitten Digits USPS dataset has 7291 train and 2007 test images. The images are 16*16 grayscale pixels. The dataset is given in hdf5 file format, the hdf5 file has two groups train and test and each group has two datasets: data and target.
Kaggle Dataset | Kaggle - Heart Disease Classification | Github - Hands-on-Machine-Learning-with-Scikit-Learn-Keras-and-TensorFlow 03.Classification.ipynb | Another Kaggle Reference
Introduction to Machine Learning with Python ,A Guide for Data Scientists by Andreas C. Müller and Sarah Guido
Demonstration of how to load USPS dataset, visualize and build a K - Neighbors classifier on it that achieves over 90% accuracy over the test set.
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