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Leetcode July 2020 Challenge Solutions | visitor badge | GitHub last commit (branch)

Solutions will be in CPP, might add solutions in other languages as well later.

Challenge Link

Week 1 ✅

  1. Arranging Coins ➡️ CPP Solution
  2. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II ➡️ CPP Solution
  3. Prison Cells After N Days ➡️ CPP Solution
  4. Ugly Number II ➡️ CPP Solution
  5. Hamming Distance ➡️ CPP Solution
  6. Plus One ➡️ CPP Solution
  7. Island Perimeter ➡️ CPP Solution

Week 2 ✅

  1. 3Sum ➡️ CPP Solution
  2. Maximum Width of Binary Tree ➡️ CPP Solution
  3. Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List ➡️ CPP Solution
  4. Subsets ➡️ CPP Solution
  5. Reverse Bits ➡️ CPP Solution
  6. Same Tree ➡️ CPP Solution
  7. Angle Between Hands of a Clock ➡️ CPP Solution

Week 3 ✅

  1. Reverse Words in a String ➡️ JS Solution
  2. Pow(x, n) ➡️ CPP Solution
  3. Top K Frequent Elements ➡️ CPP Solution
  4. Course Schedule II ➡️ CPP Solution
  5. Add Binary ➡️ CPP Solution
  6. Remove Linked List Elements ➡️ CPP Solution
  7. Word Search ➡️ CPP Solution

Week 4 ✅

  1. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal ➡️ CPP Solution
  2. Single Number III ➡️ CPP Solution
  3. All Paths From Source to Target ➡️ CPP Solution
  4. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II ➡️ CPP Solution
  5. Add Digits ➡️ CPP Solution
  6. Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal ➡️ CPP Solution
  7. Task Scheduler ➡️ CPP Solution

Week 5 ✅

  1. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown ➡️ CPP Solution
  2. Word Break II ➡️ CPP Solution
  3. Climbing Stairs ➡️ CPP Solution

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