This is a Flutter App architected according to the BLoC Pattern. This app demonstrate the most Easiest & Efficient way to Architect your Flutter Code on BLoC.
This Flutter App, I implemented BLoC Pattern via Streams, Combined with the Beautiful UI. This App contains the implementation of the followings:
- BLoC Pattern/Architecture
- StreamBuilder
- Customizing Status Bar & Navigation Tab
- Custom TabBar & AppBar Widget
- Custom Icon & Splash Screen
- Various Material Components
I kept the code as original as possible with prober Commented Guides for anyone to understand and implement. Still you need to follow these steps.
- First get Flutter and all necessary SDK/Plugins installed. Full guide here Flutter: Get Started
- Now create a new Flutter App, named as 'simplebloc' with AndroidX Compatibility.
flutter create --androidx simplebloc
- Now download this Repo
- Extract the Repo into your newly created simplebloc and replace the required files.
- Now you can Finally run VS-Code or Android Studio whichever you prefer and get the flutter packages and just run the App.
Updating soon...
Updating soon...
Explore - Flutter/FireStore/Google-Map
If you wanna learn how to implement Firebase's Firestore and Google Map with Flutter, visit this Repo
Custom Modal Bottom Sheet - Flutter
If you wanna learn how to create custom Modal Bottom Sheet in Flutter with Rounded Corners and Transparent Background, visit this Repo
BadassIcons - Flutter/Custom-Font-Icons
If you wanna learn how to use Custom Font Icons as an alternative to SVG in Flutter(as they are not officially supported Yet!), visit this Repo
I'm a veteran Designer/Animator with 10+ years of experience. I always hated the excuses Developers gave me when they fail to implement my Design. One day, when I found about Flutter I said no more & started learning it. I designed this app myself and the links will be updated soon.
Now go out there and do what you Love.