A comprehensive daily rewards and voucher system plugin for Minecraft servers running Paper 1.17+.
- Progressive daily rewards with streak multipliers
- Customizable rewards for each day
- Weekly special rewards
- Visual GUI interface
- Streak tracking and persistence
- Create custom vouchers with multiple rewards
- Support for both command and item rewards
- Visual GUI for editing voucher contents
- Flexible command execution system
- Admin controls for voucher distribution
- Voucher redemption system with limits
- Player-friendly redemption interface
/xdv reload
- Reload the plugin configuration/xdv voucher <name>
- Create a new voucher/xdv vgui <vouchername>
- Edit voucher items through GUI/xdv give <voucher> <player> [amount]
- Give vouchers to players/xdv dailyitem <day/week> <number>
- Set daily/weekly item rewards/xdv active <vouchername> <maxusers> <maxvouchers>
- Activate voucher for redemption/xdv deactive <vouchername>
- Deactivate voucher redemption/xdv vlist
- List all vouchers
/xdv daily
- Open daily rewards GUI/xdv redeem <vouchername>
- Redeem an active voucher
- Access to admin commandsxdv.use
- Access to player commands (default: true)
The plugin is highly configurable through config.yml
# Daily reward base amount
dailyreward: 100
# Streak reward multiplier (0.1 = 10% increase per week)
strikreward: 0.1
# Messages can be customized in the config
- Paper 1.17+
- Vault
- Download the latest release from Modrinth
- Place the jar file in your plugins folder
- Restart your server
- Configure the plugin in
- You can download latest release on github releases.
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions:
- Check the Issues page
- Create a new issue if your problem isn't already reported
This project is licensed under the GNU License - see the LICENSE file for details.