** Check out the designFiles folder to see images of project we're working on :) **
This challenge is from the https://www.frontendmentor.io website challenges, we will still follow the same guidelines and spec just like the project the only difference is that we will be working as a team :) which is always fun. I hope this collaboration helps you guys in the future when you start collaborating with your own development team. I'll also be collaborating with you guys as well so it'll be super fun and I hope you guys enjoy :)
If you would like to join this project, shoot me a message through slack community with your github username so I can add you to the contributors list (Frontend Mentor). Slack username is @ajeasmith.
I'll send you a invite through github from username you provided. You should get the invite on your end to accept.
Once your good to go, you can start looking in the issues section I'll be adding some starting tasks for you guys to choose from to work on.
If you found one you like to work on, make a comment in that issue.
Fork the repo (copy repo to your account)
Clone repo to your desktop (download folder to your desktop)
Create a new branch to work in, once that is done you can start working on your task and pushing your code to your branch for pull requests.
Have fun and Enjoy! :)
CSS (folder where the stylesheets are)
designFiles (All the design images for the project)
HtmlContent (the dummy content used for the project)
Images (All images for the project)
style-guide.md (the design specs to follow)
contributors.md (List of contributors on the project)
if you have any questions or need help getting started, please feel free to message me on Frontend Mentor slack community @ajeasmith :)