you can see some details in the Typed-Racket
Programming Language:
#lang typed/racket
(define-type Tree (U leaf node))
(struct leaf ([val : Number]))
(struct node ([left : Tree] [right : Tree]))
(: tree-height (-> Tree Integer))
(define (tree-height t)
(cond [(leaf? t) 1]
[else (max (+ 1 (tree-height (node-left t)))
(+ 1 (tree-height (node-right t))))]))
(: tree-sum (-> Tree Number))
(define (tree-sum t)
(cond [(leaf? t) (leaf-val t)]
[else (+ (tree-sum (node-left t))
(tree-sum (node-right t)))]))
note: you can see the tests in test of this project for more details.
Union strOrInt = new Union(String.class, Integer.class, Null.class);
/* error: don't init the value */
// strOrInt.get(String.class);
/* set strOrInt to Integer 32 */
/* reset strOrInt to Integer 132 */
/* reset strOrInt type to String type */
/* error: don't specify type LinkedList */
// strOrInt.set(new LinkedList<>());
if (strOrInt.isType(Integer.class)) {
System.out.println("number: " + strOrInt.get(Integer.class));
} else if (strOrInt.isType(String.class)) {
System.out.println("string: " + strOrInt.get(String.class));
} else {
System.out.println("other type");
/* 1. use `Union` class to manipulate nullable instance */
Union nullableStr = new Union(String.class, Null.class);
if (nullableStr.isType(Null.class)) {
System.out.println("nullableStr is null");
} else {
System.out.println("nullableStr: " + nullableStr.get(String.class));
/* 2. or simplify use the `Option` class */
Option canNullStr = new Option(String.class);
if (canNullStr.isNull()) {
System.out.println("canNullStr is null");
} else {
System.out.println("canNullStr: " + canNullStr.get(String.class));