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Hackathon Project - Q-Commerce Website

DAY 1 - Laying the Foundation


The primary objective of this hackathon project is to build a Q-Commerce (Quick Commerce) website that offers rapid delivery of food and chef services. The website is designed to provide users with a seamless experience by offering curated categories, fast navigation, and an efficient ordering process.

What We Did:

Outlined the Q-Commerce Goal:

  • Defined the purpose of the website to deliver value by catering to immediate delivery needs.
  • Highlighted the user-centric approach for faster delivery and easy access to a variety of food options.

Website Advantages:

  • Provides users with a comprehensive food menu and chef services.
  • Designed for scalability and quick adaptability to user demands.
  • Implements a modern UI/UX to enhance the user experience.

DAY 2 - Planning the Technical Foundation


To establish the technical foundation for the Q-Commerce platform, including the selection of tools, technologies, and architectural setup.

What We Did:

System Architecture:

  • Designed a robust architecture combining Sanity CMS as the backend for content management and Next.js for the frontend.
  • Chose GROQ queries to fetch data efficiently from Sanity CMS.

Technology Stack:

  • Sanity CMS: For managing and structuring content like food items and chef details.
  • Next.js: To build the frontend with a focus on speed, SEO, and developer experience.
  • GROQ Queries: For seamless data retrieval from Sanity.

Requirements Identified:

  • Defined the necessary schemas for food and chef data.
  • Outlined the API integration strategy to import and display data dynamically.

DAY 3 - API Integration Report


To integrate APIs and migrate data into Sanity CMS, ensuring a functional marketplace backend while displaying data on the frontend.

What We Did:

Data Migration:

  • Used a custom migration script to fetch data from APIs and import it into Sanity CMS.
  • Uploaded food and chef images dynamically to Sanity assets.
  • Validated all data to ensure compatibility with Sanity schemas.

API Integration:

Frontend Integration:

  • Successfully displayed imported data on the Next.js frontend using GROQ queries.
  • Ensured proper rendering of food items and chef details with images, descriptions, and categories.

DAY 4 - Enhancing Functionality


To implement advanced features that improve user experience and interactivity on the Q-Commerce platform.

What We Did:

Dynamic Routing:

  • Implemented dynamic routing for pages such as product details.
  • Users can now view individual product pages by clicking on items from the menu or shop page. Each product page is dynamically rendered based on the unique slug.

Add to Cart Functionality:

  • Added a button to each product for adding it to the cart.
  • Items are stored in the cart, and their quantity is adjustable.
  • Total price updates dynamically as items are added or quantities are modified.

Checkout Page:

  • Built a dedicated checkout page to review cart contents and proceed to payment.
  • Added basic form validation for user information.

Search Bar Functionality:

  • Integrated a search bar for finding products.
  • Search results update dynamically as users type.

Price Filtering:

  • Added a filter to sort products by price range.
  • Updates the product list in real time based on the selected range.

Other Functionalities:

  • Ensured all pages and components are fully responsive across devices.
  • Enhanced the visual elements to provide a more intuitive user experience.
  • Used React Context API for global state management to handle cart and product data efficiently.


Over the past four days, we have laid a solid foundation for the Q-Commerce website, planned the technical architecture, and implemented dynamic API integrations and advanced features. This project showcases:

  • A seamless backend integration using Sanity CMS.
  • Efficient migration and management of data through custom scripts.
  • Dynamic rendering of content on the frontend with GROQ queries.
  • Advanced user-focused functionalities like search, filtering, and dynamic cart management.

The project is now well-positioned for further enhancements, including user authentication, order management, and real-time updates to improve user experience.

Day 06: Deployment Preparation and Staging Environment Setup


In Day 06, the focus was on preparing the marketplace application for deployment. This involved setting up a staging environment, configuring hosting platforms, ensuring the application is production-ready, and following best practices for handling environments.

Deployment Strategy Planning

1. Choose a Hosting Platform: Vercel

  • Easy Integration with Next.js.
  • Automatic Deployment from GitHub repository.
  • Scalability for handling varying traffic.
  • Serverless Functions for backend logic.

2. Finalize Application’s Interaction with Backend Services

  • Sanity CMS: Ensured content fetching works correctly.
  • Third-party APIs: Verified secure API calls and proper handling of sensitive data.

Environment Variable Configuration

1. Secure API Keys, Database Credentials, and Sensitive Data

  • Stored API keys and credentials securely using .env files.

2. Configure Environment Variables in Vercel

  • Set up environment variables in the Vercel platform for secure deployment.

Staging Environment Setup

1. Deploy the Application to Staging

  • Pushed latest code to GitHub and linked a staging branch in Vercel.
  • Vercel triggered automatic deployment.

2. Validate Deployment

  • Verified build success through Vercel logs and checked the staging URL.
  • Tested all pages, features, and backend integrations for correctness.

3. Troubleshoot

  • Reviewed build logs and ensured environment variables were correctly configured.

Staging Environment Testing

1. Conduct Functional Testing

  • Used Cypress to test workflows and Postman to validate API responses.

2. Perform Performance Testing

  • Analyzed load times and performance with Lighthouse and GTmetrix.

3. Verify Responsiveness & Error Handling

  • Tested the site across different screen sizes and ensured proper error handling.

4. Document Test Results

  • Recorded all test outcomes, performance benchmarks, and unresolved issues.

Test Case Reporting

Test cases were documented in a CSV file with the following details:

Test Case ID Description Steps Expected Result Actual Result Status Remarks
TC001 Validate product listing Open product page > Verify products Products displayed Products displayed Passed No issues found
TC002 Test API error handling Disconnect API > Refresh page Show fallback message Fallback message shown Passed Handled gracefully
TC003 Check cart functionality Add item to cart > Verify cart Cart updates correctly Cart updates correctly Passed Works as expected
TC004 Test form validation Submit form with empty fields Display error message Error message displayed Failed Missing validation
TC005 Verify HTTPS connection Open site > Check HTTPS status HTTPS enabled HTTPS enabled Passed Secure connection


On Day 06, the application was successfully deployed to a staging environment using Vercel. The application underwent functional, performance, and security testing, with all outcomes documented. The staging setup is now ready for validation before moving to the production environment.
