Pinned Loading
extract_forward_tgbot Public存储转发给它的消息,并能推送到网页,方便查看编辑信息,附带拼接图片、视频转 GIF 功能。 Store the messages forwarded to it, and be able to push them to the web page, for easy viewing and editing of the information.
source2RSS Public一个信息源转 RSS 的 Python 框架,专注简化数据抓取后到 RSS 实际可用这一过程。A Python framework for transforming an information source into RSS, focusing on simplifying the process from data scraping to actual RSS availability.
Python 6
1Click2OpenALL Public批量打开文本框中的网址。Open all URLs in the input box by one click.
Python 5
Ansible4backup Public借助 Ansible 剧本,备份服务器目录,支持 Docker、Systemd 管理的程序备份前后关闭重启,支持通过 API 调用剧本。
UpdateFetch Public定期检查和下载软件的最新版,方便在特殊网络环境中分享、下载软件。Check and download the latest version of software as scheduled to facilitate file sharing and downloading in special network environments.
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