Releases: AgnosticUI/agnosticui
Releases · AgnosticUI/agnosticui
- Bumped version e81ed26
v1.0.3-12: Adds utilities.css. Regenerates common css dist.
- Utilizes svelte's DOM event delegation shorthand e.g. on:click on:focus on:blur etc. Refactors Buttons to use. Finishes Input / InputAddonItem for Svelte (I think) f43299e
- Adds textarea to showcase 0c7e4a4
- Textarea 4fffb6b
- Adds Textarea to Vue's Input storybook. Fixes the input.html not having full width in some places. 97b31e7
- Input addons uses svg icons. Fixes missing newline 2bea369
- Showcase Input components 7a46f18
- First add of input component in the showcase WIP aec102f
- Adds input addon items to CSS and Vue packages. f5b908d
- Mainly adds input addons (e.g. icons) but also does some refactoring for the demo html pages page width and misc c5889b0
- A huge amount of a11y related changes including colors contrast, showcase demo fixes, etc. Also, improved build workflow for generating CSS. 0fa8546
- Regenerate the common dist so we have the latest (which has my a11y contrast fixes for certain colors) 7db0e6f
- Updates all the button icon examples to use new SVG icons f06cb5c
- Switch icons for button.html demo b6e4c1c
- Field error and help text in CSS package -- and implemented in Vue package Input.vue ba3e9f8
- Darken color design token 00d4cc6
- Adds underlined inputs to vue based Input.vue component. 1cd7751
- Fixes overall line-height -- I had two defs for this 1.5 and 20px (removed the 1.5 one). Updates the Input.vue component eb59965
- file auto updates 797b771
- Making a bit of progress on the Vue Input.vue component dab20f8
- updates the hero illustration. Refactors a bunch of the shared css custom properties across buttons, inputs, and several other places. d48075c
- Huge commit :) Finish refactoring default css custom props. Adds a build process in the CSS package for generating a minified css-dist/common.min.css file which has the css custom properties required for things like font family, color, spacing, etc., that components require as a prerequisite. Used for all framework packages. 5fe65bd
- Refactors Buttons varialbe names and propogates across frameworks b1457d2
- Prune a few leftover unused vars 8075435
- Refactor card css custom properties and update framework specs. c0d940f
- Removing a bunch of the -default agnosticui variables d265324
- Convert the other css package pages to use common.css 645668e
- Adds a common.css for sharing styles in the example html pages in CSS package. Adds an html5 input types section. Textareas. 317ab7c
- Adds input errors, label errors, and field error messages. Shows some contrived examples of how to use with customized novalidate html5 contraints api approach. 7be8ce5
- Adjusts the labels for small / large cases. 0d2d7c5
- Adds readonly example. Adds placeholder styles. 6bf3bbc
- Adding input to CSS package. Early staged. fe4c379
- Fix some last discovered misued button groups that were missing ariaLabel 832ca02
- Refactors and fixes a mistake on the button group components. ariaLabel should be required for groups. Updated examples and specs accordingly. ac5f264
- Illustration tweak on the fern in upper right :) 363d3b7
- Go big or go home 5eede06
- Reposition the button groups to sit a little tighter to paragraph once they're brought in 1c63c57
- Updates the hero illustration -- moved the clouds over to right and reduced size as they were interfering with the hero messaging at certain viewport sizes. 5dccdd2
- Updates per latest refactor for focus outlines in high contrast mode fd5da06
- Fix regression due to refactoring the babel config file to use env -- in test env it was no longer loading the required babel presets/plugins. Refactored config takes advantage of fact that cjs, test, development are all using same shared configuration and only the es (esm module) env needs override with modules false d737eca
- Refactor button focus states -- high contrast mode requires the outline transparent rule since it will reject box-shadow but flip the outline to black so it's a trick to keep that working properly. 8f86bc6
- Reposition buttons in hero 4045ad6
- And we have a hero f868330
- Starting to attempt to build es and cjs versions of the react package. 10a959f
- Remove unused file 2bbfc1b
- Update the imports into showcase now that the grid is split up. Fixes bad copy styles for react for the grid stuff. 96cd16d
- Refactors FlexGrid to have separate css files for grid, row, and col. This help Svelte mainly since I do not have access to proper CSS Modules, and I can copy each over into SFC style tags. Had to update the other frameworks as such. df5abb2
- Prune comment f8b6ced
- Updates all the packages including react too for the new Header component refactor 53c22c2
- Update the vue header specs 8f8a4b7
- Another pass at Header component for Vue / Svelte and updates showcase. 93d0be3
- Refactors the header component to collapse to columns on mobile / tablet. Updates the showcase to be mainly responsive esp. the header. 3a691ae
- Showcase body content is kinda responsive now 2bf174b
- Refactors the Vue FlexGrid removing auto and moving to new way were gutters are defined via --agnosticui-gutter-width prop instead. Update showcase too. 9189af4
- Refactoring grid in CSS package. Updating the showcase but not yet the Vue Grid 30d6bbe
- WIP -- adding default gutters -- it's mid process so likely borked until I finish c831995
- More grid refactoring -- need to redo how we are doing gutters to use custom properties (next todo item) a016599
- Typography section now using FlexGrid 1f91c53
- Resizesthe bounding box of all Layout and Table card svgs to 100x100 c2ea2ac
- Reput spacing.svg and finishing resizing the bounding box of all Input card svgs to 100x100 7582a4d
- Adds vue-svg-loader to showcase and refactors the system card svgs to sit on a 100x100 bounding box so they are consistent 6c5610b
- WIP Colors section into FlexGrid 08d0286
- Refactors the rest of the showcase card views to use flexgrid c9df4fb
- Adding the idea of opt-in gutters to the grid work. Only in CSS and Vue packages so far. Using in showcase (only for System Cards so everything is a bit borked WIP but getting close). 9bea4f4
- Examples of how to set up with Vue and Svelte. b994da7
- more readme preamble 1663a8f
- readme preamble 0e2156f
- readme reordering 04023df
- readme synchronization verbiage is hard to get right 270e446
- even more readme tlc b339c2b
- More readme tlc f122e94
- Better explanation in readme for how the styles get copied across to the framework styles. e6dec26
- Reorder readme a bit 7b28df5
- Adds Vue FlexGrid component 059bfaf
- WIP on Vue based FlexGrid. Grid and Row mostly done (Col next) eb513ec
- Modificators is NOT a word 7570ae6
- Adds circle buttons to Vue 79ba010
- Adds circle buttons to Svelte ad531dc
- Adds circle buttons to React bb04dd6
- Refactors buttons to fix inconsistent heights across button variants. ac0accb
- More showcase efeca98
- Adds Buttons to showcase 83637ed
- Favicon. Logo. Showcase box shadow tweaks. a65a3d6
- Simple favicon 1f1861b
- Adds the Grid to the showcase. Tightens up the showcase a bit too. 4a3631e
- Bump css package c311bf3
- Adds React FlexGrid a17b730
- Adds FlexGrid to css and react packages. 86f479d
- Adds a BackToTop component for the showcase. be2a851
- Refactors React buttons. 9348dc9
- Refactors Vue buttons. 70561bc
- Second part of previous commit which was not done from top level directory so some files were missing. Removes ButtonIconRight.svelte which is no longer being used. 9527dee
- Refactors Svelte btn-icon-left and btn-icon-right are no longer a part of the library. 9f7a528
- Refactors Svelte Buttons to no longer use label, isIconLeft, isIconRight and just renders the entire slot and lets the consumer decide what they want there c18eb72
- Table card svgs 12edfa1
- React Header 8c69229
- WIP header 8615092
- Remove unused ca1bbd4
- Updates snapshots (react) since we've updated the storybook stories ed93f1d
- Adds another vue story using the docs.source.code convention. Removes the storybook addon source e527424
- Vue docs.source.code idiom used in story to show how that could work. Still undecided if that's the ultimate approach I want to take or not. 9afc1bb
- Adds a vue based ButtonsDisabledAll story that kind of works but not ideally yet. Storybook explorations continue. d6021b1
- Refactors the rest of the React stories 16f8c00
- Adds @storybook/addon-storysource to react 70a4937
- Refactors button group storybook stories 3e3c74b
- Button stories refactored 8745bc8
- @storybook/addon-storysource added to svelte and vue. Some wip on vue ButtonDisabled trying to get storybook to do what I want it to. Refactors some of the react stories to be consolodated. b9f89cf
- Better comment 39766c5
- Bumps agnosticui-css in showcase acc0f2c
- Bumped agnoticui css but then realized I needed more changes (so will bump again) 28ca8cf
- Wip showcase using typography (but need to bump agnosticui-css) ff8b182
- Replace all agnostic with agnosticui for consistency 57a62a9
- Use Space-N css variables in showcase ef56b3a
- Bump package d8636c5
- Bump agnosticui-css in showcase 2312757