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American Sing Language Validator

This is a prototype for real-time ASL alphabet recognition. It is meant to provide an automatic feedback mechanism for ASL learners with use of only a web camera. Currently it support only static signs of ASL alpabet. image

Dependencies used in this project:

How to run and update the script:

  • Run Anaconda command in the terminal to start Tensorflow: conda activate tensorflow
  • Launch Jupiter notebook by running a command: jupyter notebook
  • After a new browser window open one of the scripts, either asl-validator-initial.ipynb or asl-validator-DEV-vNext.ipynb
  • Run sells, consult the comments, section 5 "Collect Data" should be skipped if data collection is not needed

Code structure:

  • jupyer notebook script(s)
  • [data] folder that contains dataset, each sign has corresponding sequences/videos per sign in a separate folder and each of the folders contain NumPY files for each frame
  • [logs] folder, contains information on training process, generated when script is ran should be openened using TensorBoard, using command 'tensorboard --logdir "asl-validator/logs"'

*For more information on how to work with Jupiter Notebook consult
