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!Client Meetings
- Short Review of what we've been working on
notes from the May meeting below
initial thoughts on the wiki page: https://github.com/AgileVentures/shf-project/wiki/Subcategories
one way it might look = https://github.com/AgileVentures/shf-project/pull/703
- agree on definition of 'subcategory'
- agree that we'll only have 1 level of subcategory (no "sub-subcategories")
What are the "user narratives" (use cases)
by the organization, by admins, members, users, visitors
Ex: Patrick's example narrative Only admins can manage subcategories
A member can see subcategories
A member 'applies' for a subcategory
- review process
Member is approved for a subcategory
- subcategory shows up on the company page
- subcategory shows up on the member's page
- Categories need approval, but subcategories do not.
only admins create/edit/maintain subcategories
value = keeps terms standardized
value = keeps members/companies from claiming a subcategory that might be copyrighted/proprietary or otherwise not "valid"
Use Case 1: Admin creates/edits/maintains list of subcategories
Use Case 2: Member selects subcategories from a list
Use Case:
- if SHF (as an organization) determines that a there is a need for a subcategory that is proprietary/copyrighted/trademarked, then that can be addressed
- would need to show the trademark/copyright mark
- members with this subcategory would need to be approved
Use Case:
member proposes a subcategory (-ies) by just emailing the admin show text on the page on the list of subcategories with an email link
- if this is active/ heavy enough, we could implement this in the system somehow
Use Case:
- we review the search terms being used; they might suggest subcategories we should add
value = members show what they specialize in. value = helps visitors search and find more exactly what they want
- skills
- business offering
dog parkor, nosework
Susanna, Jenny, Ashley
City search: Have feedback from members via Susanna
Priorities: Are we working on the right things? Yes, we're still generally aligned. See below for specifics.
Review: what we've been working on (mostly internal things: refining what we've learned about the models, handling more errors, server health, etc.)
visitors can search using those subcategories to further refine what they're looking for
on both the landing page (companies #index)
- As a visitor, give me a list of keywords I can search with. Often I don't care if they are "categories" or "subcategories" because I'm just interesting in using words that seem to be of interest to me. (SHF definition of "categories" and "subcategories" isn't always going to align with what they're thinking)
- so need to present them with all possible terms/keywords to use
- maybe also with a category + sub-category organization?
- As a visitor, give me a list of keywords I can search with. Often I don't care if they are "categories" or "subcategories" because I'm just interesting in using words that seem to be of interest to me. (SHF definition of "categories" and "subcategories" isn't always going to align with what they're thinking)
and via Google (interwebs) searching
helps SHF members (companies) to define/describe what they do "Subcategory" of the main business_categories Ex: "nosework" (and "nose work" etc.)
- in the same way that YouTube uses them
We don't know enough about what words either visitors will use to search or what members want to use to describe their businesses, so we need to let the first develop organically
then later we can review them and create more standardized lists
- this is 1 "tag list" as the 'acts-as-taggable-on' gem defines it (other gems may use other terminology; a.k.a. a 'vocabulary')
- will likely use the same technical parts to implement Voov features (but a different 'vocabulary' / 'tag list' obv. So implement with other future uses in mind
Categories and SubCategories ( = 'keywords') need to be more prominent on the Company pages
- will expand this same idea to Member profiles later. (members can describe their specific areas with these same 'keywords'
- But Companies are first; most SHF companies are 1 person. But this is changing:
- seeing a trend of more and more Companies with more than 1 person
to log in more often, we have to provide them with good reasons to want to log in: we have to provide them with information they want
- Provide value with their Welcome page (what they see after logging in)
- Must change with some frequency so that they need to log in to get the new info (= SHF organization activity feed)
- Date of most recent Board meeting and how to get more info about it
- Info about Working groups:
- recent activity
- Description and who to contact to be involved/ask questions
- lets people know these workgroups exist and what's happening with each
- helps workgroups gain members (really needed!)
- How much of this duplicates what is in the Facebook page? Is this a problem? - yes, some (most?) might duplicate. Won't worry about this now - future: will need a way for SHF admin/person to enter info once and have it post to both Facebook and the SHF site
Gamify logging in?
Reward them for logging in?
- Jenny: send out a short "Thanks for loggin in!" or "Thanks for updating your company information" email "And by the way, ...dont' forget to keep your company page updated! It helps improve your google searchability/ ability to be found by more people searching the web..."
- goals: short. Acknowledge ( = subtle reward). Also remind them the value of it
- Will this become just 1 more email cluttering up their inbox? perhaps
- mitigate this by making the subject line clear so that they can quickly delete future emails of this type (manually or with rules)
- Jenny: send out a short "Thanks for loggin in!" or "Thanks for updating your company information" email "And by the way, ...dont' forget to keep your company page updated! It helps improve your google searchability/ ability to be found by more people searching the web..."
- need to be able to connect social media accounts on Company pages (and later member profile pages)
- Most are using InstaGram, so that's the right priority
- recent facebook posts? tweets? etc?
- need disclaimer text ("not sanctioned by SHF" since it is appearing on the SHF site)
- draw in visitors = value for SHF members
- Show the most recent Instagram photos on the member Welcome page? ( = what SHF members have been doing)
- value = connects members to each other (show them what others are doing)
- subtly motivates each member/company to also provide info via their Company page (connect it to their social media account(s), etc.)
- Technically, connecting and getting info via Facebook & Instragram have same basic underpinnings (both are owned by Facebook; technical overlap)
- Value for SHF members = easy to use documents they can use for their business
- = value of membership
- Ex: templates for dog care business or training events,
- ex. business documents or for clients
- use the same technical infrastructure as was uses for SHF Board Meeting Minutes ? (probably!)
Susanna, Jenny, Rodrigo, Patrick, Ashley
- meta information: meta tags, schema tags, we have a "baseline" for search ranking
- 'outward facing' functionality
- meta information: meta tags, schema tags, we have a "baseline" for search ranking
Review priorities
Organization supporter (new) - YES, start working on this
- a person can be an "Organization supporter". They are paying kr to support SHF but do not have the organizational rights that a member has
- will need to work with SHF board members to figure out the details
- need to define what information they can / cannot access
- what notifications (alerts) should they get?
- what 'landing page' do they have? what custom (new) Organizational Supporter pages should there be on the webiste
- is there an image / badge they can display on their webpages?
Voov: Nothing for us right now. This is still being worked on ("Voov" folks, etc.).
Member "warned" status: We will wait for more direction from the board. (They can use the notes below)
Current bylaws: (1) Get a warning, then possibly (2) removed
Get a Warning (in "warned" status?)
- they are not 'visible' on the site (to the public)
- perhaps they need to upload a document to show that they've "done something" to improve their status
- then this document is reviewed, and either
- approved: they are no longer in warning status
- not approved: they are still in 'warning' status
Do we need to be able to document why they were removed/no longer a member
should they get an email?
If they re-apply, do we need to look up to see the old information so that we can see the past history? Just know that they have re-applied?
how to coordinate this with GDPR? Has to be "reasonable" with how you are using the information. Includes digital and non-digital
ex: if they never paid an old invoice, and they re-apply, how to "know" that they have been banned/removed in the past?
maybe we'll just see that (1) they have been a member in the past based on the Org Nummer and their last membership status and the date of that last status
What about the money paid? Is any of this returned? Or forfeited? (the board reserves the right to handle this on a case-by-case basis)
GDPR is about private persons but not companies
- so we can keep information about companies (what if the organization number = a personal number? If you intention is that SHF is working with the company, then probably OK.)
Legal: the association is "open" so a person cannot be "banned" for a 'long' time (e.g. > 1 year).
"Under review" (Paused?, etc.) [Not in the bylaws, so no need to implement]
Jenny, Susanna, Patrick, Ashley
Talked about Jenny's mind map that shows the 2 main parts of the system:
The 'external' pages that site visitors see
The 'internal' pages that SHF members see
- what are the search terms? (should be tracking this now)
- courses
- dog trainers looking to increase their knowledge / certifications
- dog owners that want to take training courses
How to show the value of the SHF *H-Branded companies to the visitors
- so they know that it is better to use the SHF site to find a dog company vs. just a plain Google search or a competing site (like hundkartan.se
- provide a clear value proposition on the 'search companies' page (our "landing page")
How to get members to put content into their Company pages?
- Give a deadline: At this date Google will find your SHF-pages and they can be shared on FB
- provide inspiring instructions, including a YouTube video
- Google will start crawling the pages when we upload a xml-sitemap (there is probably a gem?)
- the Google SEO ranking of the site will increase when there is more valuable content in the Company pages
- members will put content into the Company pages when the SHF site has a good Google SEO ranking
- need XML site info
- need Social media links on a Company page: https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/163803720
After the meeting, Ashley started a page to record ideas info about SEO: https://github.com/AgileVentures/shf-project/wiki/SEO
** Monday, 7 January, 2018**
- ....
- naming emails
- "login" / "profile" email
- "contact" (company) email
** Monday, 17 December, 2018**
- Automatic User alerts (emails sent out automatically)
more User alerts for more conditions:
membership has lapsed (is overdue)
upcoming membership expiration
H-branding has lapsed (is overdue)
upcoming H-branding expiration
incomplete information:
- no uploaded files
- company doesn't have an address
Reviewing and updating membership status each night:
- a membership expires (user will get an email about this)
- Getting feedback to / from the board
- Show near me / search near me ?
- Monday, Jan 7, 2019, 19:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm time)
** Monday, July 16, 2018**
- Stabilize pagination changes for company events (column widths)
- Dinkurs key validation
- Production improvements
- Backup job has improved logging and exception (error) notification
- Dinkurs fetch all company events every night (with logging and exception notification) (Dinkurs "phase 2)
- Convert image links to shortened URLs
- On/Off switch for showing dinkurs events on company page
- Swish integration status
- HIPS order form - links to:
- HIPS terms of service
- SHF "delivery" policy
- SHF refund policy
- SHF privacy policy
- Outstanding questions re membership (need stories for these):
- How does a member add a new certification to their “membership”? (membership = accepted application)
- How does a member add another company to their “membership?”
- What about re-certification of members? Annually? Audit subset?
- Monday, August 6, 2018, 19:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm time)
** Monday, June 11, 2018**
- Make "Categories" a required field for membership application
- BUGS in showing Company Map:
- Issue 1: When one creates an adress with visibility none the map centers on stockholm for that company, even if there is a valid adress aldready there.
- Issue 2: Addresses with visibility "none" show up on the map on the company page for visitors.
- Dinkurs integration (phase 1): "on-demand" fetch
- Dinkurs integration (phase 2): Nightly fetch-and-update - in progress
- Swish integration status
- HIPS order form - links to:
- HIPS terms of service
- SHF "delivery" policy
- SHF refund policy
- SHF privacy policy
- Monday, June 25, 2018, 19:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm time)
** Monday, May 28, 2018**
- BUG FIX: User Account delete
- "Unauthorized" message directs to login if not logged in
- Membership application form: clearer explanation of company-number error
- SHF images can be shown in external website
- Added image-use guidelines for proof-of-membership and company h-brand images
- Production: backups working (again)
- Dinkurs integration (no progress since last meeting)
- Membership application - do not allow create or save of application unless at least one service category has been selected.
- Swish integration status
- Monday, June 11, 2018, 19:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm time)
** Monday, May 7, 2018**
- Company H-Brand image
- How-to text for uploading multiple files for membership application
- Persist "flash" messages and allow user to dismiss
- BUG: show all company names - in search field - for admin
- BUG: remove duplicate company numbers from membership application form
- Dinkurs integration
- User deleting their account - decisions made:
- All records associated with the user will be destroyed (profile photo, application, uploaded files, company(s) (if sole member of company))
- Proposed: retain all payment records for that user
- If the user is associated with a company that has other members (and thus, the company is not deleted when the user account is, then we will want to retain any h-branding fees paid for that company by the user.
- The payment records will have their association with the user nullified (that is, we will not be able to associate a payment with that user after the user has been deleted).
- User will be shown a message describing the delete actions and asked to confirm the account delete.
- Review / confirm priorities
- Monday, May 28, 2018, 19:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm time)
Wednesday, 18 April, 2018
- Improve load time - map of companies
- Tell user how to upload their photo for proof-of-membership
- Adjust menu to accommodate multiple member companies
- Adjust member landing page to show all needed company payments
- Allow multiple companies to be associated with a membership application
- Admin Dashboard
- Dinkurs integration
- Review / confirm priorities
- Monday, May 7, 2018
- 482 - Reorder items in the application form
- 473 - Show different info on login page when application is approved (appropriate to user's status)
- 468 - Proof of membership (work-in-process demo'ed last meeting - this is now in production)
- Admin dashboard
- Member association with more than one company
- Currently, a member can only be associate with one company
- Current work involves changing user<>application<>company(s) structure (hidden from user)
- Adding payment records manually (to reflect offline payments .....)
- Is this app going to be used as the "system of record" for payments?
- The way we are currently handling "user" records in the system has two problems that will cause the user to see an error (and the requested action will not occur):
- Deleting a user with a payment
- Deleting a user with an application
- We will need to decide how to manage records retention across the board, eventually, but for now we need to decide what to do about the user-delete problems
DISCUSSION NOTES from Client Meeting: Bella confirmed that the app will not be the system-of-record for payments - she will use both HIPS dashboard as well as bank statements to put together a complete picture of payments.
- Proposed: in 2 weeks, Monday, March 12, 19:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm time)
Monday, 12 February, 2018
- 471 - file upload form should show allowed types
- 471 - Limit selection of files for upload (for application) to supported file types
- 462 - Admin uploads chairperson signature, and SHF logo, in admin page/area
- 468 - Proof of membership
- Continuing work on "proof of membership" feature - team review(s) pending - to be merged to production (if client accepts) after reviews completed.
- Member association with more than one company (and also managing the situation when a member wants to change their association from one company to another (had to do this via direct DB manipulation last week).
- Started work on this last week
- There is a great deal of "restructuring" required to enable this
- Delivery time frame not known at this point
- Problem resolved - members could not pay with a company org. number
- Problem resolved - payment "modal" With instructions was not appearing in Internet Explorer
- Adding payment records manually (to reflect offline payments .....)
- Is this app going to be used as the "system of record" for payments?
- The way we are currently handling "user" records in the system has two problems that will cause the user to see an error (and the requested action will not occur):
- Deleting a user with a payment
- Deleting a user with an application
- We will need to decide how to manage records retention across the board, eventually, but for now we need to decide what to do about the user-delete problems
- Proposed: in 2 weeks, Monday, February 26, 19:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm time)
Wednesday, 31 January, 2018
- Continuing work on "proof of membership" feature
- Member association with more than one company (and also managing the situation when a member wants to change their association from one company to another (had to do this via direct DB manipulation last week).
- Started work on this last week
- Delivery time frame not known at this point
- Problem resolved - members could not pay with a company org. number
- Problem still outstanding - payment "modal" With instructions does not appear in Internet Explorer
- Adding payment records manually (to reflect offline payments .....)
- Is this app going to be used as the "system of record" for payments?
- The way we are currently handling "user" records in the system has two problems that will cause the user to see an error (and the requested action will not occur):
- Deleting a user with a payment
- Deleting a user with an application
- We will need to decide how to manage records retention across the board, eventually, but for now we need to decide what to do about the user-delete problems
- Proposed: in 2 weeks, Monday, February 12, 19:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm time)
Wednesday, 17 January, 2018
- 443: Companies index view - show all regions and kommuns for company
- 457: member uploads a Profile image (to be used for "proof of membership"
- Continuing work on "proof of membership" feature
- Member association with more than one company (and also managing the situation when a member wants to change their association from one company to another (had to do this via direct DB manipulation last week).
- Started work on this last week
- Delivery time frame not known at this point
- Problem resolved - members could not pay with a company org. number
- Problem still outstanding - payment "modal" With instructions does not appear in Internet Explorer
- Adding payment records manually (to reflect offline payments .....)
- Is this app going to be used as the "system of record" for payments?
- The way we are currently handling "user" records in the system has two problems that will cause the user to see an error (and the requested action will not occur):
- Deleting a user with a payment
- Deleting a user with an application
- We will need to decide how to manage records retention across the board, eventually, but for now we need to decide what to do about the user-delete problems
- Proposed: in 2 weeks, Wednesday, January 31, 19:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm time)
Wednesday, 3 January, 2018
- 439 Email applicant: You're a member now! (accepted)
- Design of member profile page (https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/153037181)
- started work on "member uploads a Profile photo" (first step in creating profile)
- Member profile photo will be used as part of the "proof of membership" feature
- 442 Gracefully handle bad URL coming from Facebook link
- 451 Deleting an application results in exception (when attempting to delete associated payment records)
- Others - See Pivotal Tracker
- Beta program stopped - payments now available to all members
- Previous problem with Internet Explorer has been fixed (payment form did not appear)
- New problem still outstanding (members cannot pay with a company org. number)
- Any more luck with IE?
- Would you like to get access to the HIPS website (see orders, payments, etc.)?
- Proposed: in 2 weeks, Wednesday, January 17, 19:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm time)
Tuesday, 12 December, 2017
- 405 - Add pagination to search results within the user index view
- 422 - Add list of members to company
- Updating app logic to reflect changes in business rules arising from Board meeting (https://github.com/AgileVentures/shf-project/wiki/Business-rules-around-payments-(membership-and-H-Branding)
- Beta program still in place
- 4 members have paid membership fee
- ?? members have paid branding fee
- Looking at the problem with Internet Explorer
- Payment form will not load
- User "help"
- Can we use external mechanisms for now? (that is, email to users)
- What criteria should we establish for ending beta phase and exposing to all users?
- Required: user help on making payments
- Not required but nice-to-have: IE working
- Proposed: next week, Tuesday, 19 December, 19:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm time)
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
- Code has been moved to production (yesterday)
- Created 2017 "payments" in the database
- All members - 2017 membership
- All member companies - 2017 H-Branding
- SHF HIPS account created and tested against
- Site is now accessed via HTTPS (secure, encrypted communications)
- Features are exposed only to beta users
- Beta expected to end by Friday, Dec. 8
- Team will be monitoring transactions closely
- Dinkurs integration
- Other
3. Review priorities and completion status
- What is SWISH readiness status?
- Tuesday, December 12, 2017 19:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm time) ?
Monday, 27 November, 2017
- H-Branding payments
- Implement payments (? - team review still underway)
- Dinkurs integration
- Other
- Basic workflow is working
- Tested using credit card payments and real SHF HIPS account
- Target - be ready to move code to production next week, contingent on:
- Client acceptance
- SHF organizational readiness (e.g. user communication ready to go out, etc.)
- Experimenting with pulling event information from Dinkurs
What is SWISH readiness status?
What is preferred timing for payment implementation?
What is status of the SSL certificate?
When should we be sending emails, and which are the priority ones?
- Tuesday, December 5, 2017 19:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm time) ?
Monday, 13 November, 2017
- 388: A member should not be able to edit their application once approved
- Application review process and Payment processing for membership fee
- We have separated the app review process from the payment process
- Before, member fee payment occurred during the review process, when app status was waiting_for_payment
- Now, the application process is completed before the payment occurs
- The member fee can be paid (by a user who is not yet a member) only if there is at least one application with status = accepted
- Additional changes to be completed in the future:
- Review app approval process and revise as needed (e.g., remove waiting_for_payment step)
- Rename MembershipApplication to Application - this is primarily because the former implies that the application is made to attain membership status - but that is only one of the intended outcomes when the Application is actually used:
- When a user without membership wants to become a member
- When a user with a membership wants to register with another company (i.e. a second "membership application")
- When a user's membership is renewed (precise business rules unknown(?), but some sort of review has been mentioned)
- We have separated the app review process from the payment process
- Basic workflow is working (revised as consistent with above business rule changes)
- Tested using credit card payments
- Code under team review
- Target - be ready to move code to production after next client meeting, contingent on:
- Client acceptance
- SHF organizational readiness (e.g. user communication ready to go out, etc.)
- What is SWISH readiness status?
- Next: H-Branding fee payment - target by end of year (and have some work ready for demo by next client meeting)
- Experimenting with pulling event information from Dinkurs
- Can we get a IBAN bank number? (need for HIPS integration)
- Tuesday, November 28, 2017 19:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm time) ?
31 October, 2017
Notes from client meeting:
- Accepted all demo'ed stories.
- Bella liked the payment workflow and the ability to edit member status (especially "notes" so admins can communicate with each and keep track of conversations with a member).
- We discussed payment testing and the current limitations of testing only with credit card payments. One option is to use a "production" account and set the fee cost to as a low a number as possible (see note re discussion with HIPS below). Susanna and Bella both agreed that we will forgo that and just go into production - with Swish and invoicing as well as credit card payments - without additional testing on our side beforehand. Susanna has seen the other payment types work in HIPS and is confident that this strategy will work.
- Bella gave an update on enabling Swish payments - she is very near to being ready. This will probably require approval from Ulrika when it is ready to be activated (that is, does not require full Board review).
- The logic used to define start and expire dates for new payments was reviewed. Bella and Susanna both agree with the logic as described in business rules.
- We discussed the "H-Branding" fee payment, and how that should work. Susanna proposed that we add a payment button to the company
view. This would be visible to all members of the company. Those members would be responsible for determining who among them would pay the fee. This negates the need to add a "company administrator" role. We all agreed that this seemed the best approach at this point. We will certainly revisit this when we're ready to implement the branding payment. - We also discussed the transition period during which all members would move over to online payments. Susanna pointed out that since HIPS provides an invoicing option, there is no reason not to ask all users to switch over immediately. So, at this point we may not need to provide system support for a transition period - will see what happens.
- 381: Sort and search by membership number on membership application index view
- 385: Sort and search by membership number on user index view
- 385: Show membershipnumber in the user index list
- 383: Show membership number on the user show page
- 379, 380: Send applicant email acknowledging that their application was received
- Member renews membership (pays membership fee)
- User pays membership fee, admin accepts application, user is now a member
- Admin edits member status
- Basic workflow working (see demos above)
- Tested using credit card payments
- Need to test for 1) Swish and 2) Invoicing (see note from HIPS below)
- We have confirmed(?) how membership start/end dates will be handled (see business rules)
- We will also need to define how we handle the transition to all "on-line" payments.
- Will need a mechanism to mark a user (who paid offline) as a member in the system
- Should we provide for the admin a way to enter other data for an offline payment?
- Tuesday, November 13, 2017 19:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm time) ?
Question to HIPS:
Hi .... we would like to proceed with additional testing (for SHF payments), to include Swish and invoicing, in addition to credit card payments. I understand that the current "sandbox" environment only allows for credit card payment testing. Has that changed? If we need to use a non-test account for additional testing, what is the lowest amount (krona) that we would price our items that would allow the payment to go through? (that is, we don't want to spend a lot of money for this limited testing purpose)
Response from HIPS:
Yes, that is right. The current sandbox mode does not allow testing for switsh and invoice (yet). Go ahead and test the other solutions in production mode. For swish I see no problem testing with just 1,00 kr but for invoice, you have to go higher, I would recommend 100 kr (but then you can refund).
18 October, 2017
Notes from client meeting:
Bella accepted this story: https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/151803266
Payments Processing
- Bella agreed with moving forward on this with the goal of putting it in place by end of year.
- Want to accommodate credit card, Swish and invoicing.
- Agreed that we need an "Account" structure to manage payments, renewals and (very important) explicitly show the user their paid-up status when they come back from the HIPS payment form.
- Correction on "early" membership fee - this is only for new members, and allows a member who pays on or after October to have the remaining months of the current year for free (that is, they pay for next year, and become a member in the current year).
- Membership fee == 300 kr (no VAT)
- H-Branding fee == 250 kr (no VAT)
- Fees cover the calendar year (Jan 1 - Dec 31)
Bella agree that the two leading priorities right now are 1) payments and 2) Dinkurs integration.
Company email address cannot be deleted (Patrick)
Payment Processing (Patrick)
- Need to review the project priorities since we seem to have the core of Membership Application submission/approval done and we're getting to the end of the first version of implementing Emails.
- our document with the major areas: Major SHF Functionality in Priority Order
- Payments are started
- members want DinKurs integration (we had that as a really low priority, but now it seems more important)
DinKurs - Susanna started documenting Classes, Events, and Integration with Dinkurs
- are there other SHF members that could be asked to help develop the ideas/wants/needs and to help test out ideas?
current rule: everyone is renewed at "Annual meeting" time
we now have the ability to do member renewals on their exact renewal date ( = when they were approved)
- does SHF, as an organization, want to rethink their renewal bylaws? ( = better for the members, more complicated, but doable)
user feedback: Having Dinkurs integration is important!
- Tuesday, October 31, 2017 17:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm time) ?
Users: searching and sorting (Patrick)
Membership Numbers are now created automatically when a membership is approved (Susanna)
The membership number is now shown on the list of membership applications (for the admin) (Susanna)
- should the membership number also show on the user list? (question for Susanna by Susanna) Answer: good idea, but not priority for right now ( = future user story)
- and on the user 'show' view? Answer: good idea, but not priority for right now ( = future user story)
Emails sent: when user requests a new password (Ashley)
Company Addresses (so we can ask questions and clarify) (Patrick)
- mailing address
- Should we force one address to be a mailing address?
- What should happen if a Company has only 1 address and it's set as the mailing_address, and the member deletes that address?
- mailing address
Member addresses:
- We will need to track an address for People ( Users [new] /Members [renewal] ) when we start collecting money from them for their membership fee.
- will people have separate mailing and billing addresses?
- we don't know yet. Have to think more and learn more about what the users do.
Related: how much of this will HIPS (the billing/transaction system) do of this for us?
1. Admin needs to be able to edit user information: [High priority! these situations are happening now]
- Admin needed to change the user email because the email was no longer valid.
- Admin needed to change the last name for a user
- Wednesday, October 18, 2017 17:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm time)
client: Bella, Susanna
SHF dev: Ashley, Patrick, Matthew (later)
- New stories (features, bugs) will be moved into production this Thursday (Sep 21)
Status of "wording" requests (see prior meeting notes)
- SHF email templates (https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/140637017)
- User landing page
Follow-up questions re membership payments
- "Total Annual Membership Cost = 2 parts: H-branding fee and individual member fee" - the notes below say that the H-branding fee is charged to the company and the individual member fee is charged to the individual. The following questions have to do with the situation where a company has more than one member:
Is the h-branding fee paid only once (annually) for the company, regardless of how many members the company has associated with it?
Answer: YES. A company will only be charged the H-branding fee once per year, no matter how many members apply/are associated with it.
If yes, will we need to identify one of the company's members as the representative (for tax purposes) of the company? And, if so, that person will have to pay both fees, but other members (of the same company) will pay only the member fee?
Answer: We all have to think more about this. It is likely that we can and should identify 1 SHF member are the representative / point of contact for the company.
If no, does every member pay both fees annually?
(Not applicable)
- "Total Annual Membership Cost = 2 parts: H-branding fee and individual member fee" - the notes below say that the H-branding fee is charged to the company and the individual member fee is charged to the individual. The following questions have to do with the situation where a company has more than one member:
Follow-up questions re membership applications
Member with two (or more) membership applications:
- Do we ever have this situation?
Bella: not sure ... will consult with board and determine if we need to support this or not.
Answer: Susanna: Yes this has happened, but it's rare. It has been handled manually, just picking one of the charges to one of the companies.
- How to handle payments for added membership application?
- No additional fee required?
- Full fee required?
- Reduced fee?
A Member pays their individual membership fee only ONE time per year no matter how many companies they belong to and no matter how many membership applications they submit during the year.
"Year" = the calendar date that they were approved (= paid and membership application approved)
Review HIPS (online) payment structure
Bella question: How long is the agreement/contract with HIPS?
Answer (Susanna): There is no time period in the agreement. You just cancel / stop using them.
Bella: We will not enable the PayPal or "partial payment" options. (PayPal not used as much + adds costs; "partial payment" = adds costs and complexity.)
- After a certain "transition period" [how long? a year?], will no longer accept manual payments. All payment must come through the system (HIPS).
- Must have a transition time so that anyone with automatic payments currently set up has time to change that
- After a certain "transition period" [how long? a year?], will no longer accept manual payments. All payment must come through the system (HIPS).
Susanna will send an email to the HIPS people: They said they'd send us more info and set up a Slack channel, etc. status of those things?
We will deploy to production on Thursday at the end of our team meeting
(Ongoing goal: After a client meeting, deploy at our team meeting that follows. Ex: client meeting on a Monday = we deploy at the end of our team meeting that Thursday
- Tuesday, October 3, 2017 17:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm time)
- Susanna L, Bella, and Ashley
- Since it was just the 3 of us, we went over the items PivotalTracker quickly, then focused on discussing stories
Wording for SHF email templates (https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/140637017)
- Bella and Suss (Susanna L) will work on the email wording and get back to us. (Instead of still waiting for the SHF board, they will propose something so that we can move forward.)
Wording for user "landing page" (next steps to applying for membership)
- As above, Bella and Suss will write something up so we can move forward.
Adding gender info to members for answering queries from journalists, etc.: ** Not needed**
- Not important for dog owners: most will not search only/primarily for expertise based on the gender of the trainer
- Information is available to dog owners when they read more in detail about a member, either from the company information page in SHF, or (probably) on the website for a company/person. Or they can contact the trainer(s) and ask.
- If a journalist (or someone else) wants that information from SHF, that can be handled as needed.
- SHF members will see the value if they get more business from dog owners. So:
- The information displayed for each SHF member needs to make it enticing and valuable for dog owners searching for SHF certified/branded trainers
- This does need to be a priority: Information about SHF members must be clear, well organized, (enticing), easy to search and find.
- H-branding fee is charged to the company because it is tax-deductible by the company
- individual member fee is charged to the individual (it is not tax-deductible)
- This is already approved by the SHF board. It is not currently being done because some administrative things haven't happened yet
Bella pointed out the importance of having a audit trail: when are things charged? when are they paid? cancelled? etc. How does SHF know that something that something has happened and what is the audit trail [evidence] for it?
- Person is a simple 1-person company. Logs in to SHF and chooses to pay by an invoice. (Assume HIPS for now)
- payment status = payment pending (perhaps)
- They enter their personal ID number and will get an invoice from HIPS (postal or email)
- When they get the invoice, they pay.
- payment status = ? processing?
- Money is collected by HIPS. HIPS then pays SHF.
- payment status = paid
- Same as above except:
- when they get the invoice, they do nothing (don't pay, don't contact SHF)
- payment status = payment pending
- when they get the invoice, they do nothing (don't pay, don't contact SHF)
- HIPS will track down (send to collection, authorities, etc). Value to SHF is that HIPS handles this!
- does SHF get notification from HIPS that payment is past due?
- if so, then payment status = ?
- does SHF get notification from HIPS that payment is past due?
Membership Payment story: 1 person company pays via invoice, but then contacts SHF to cancel before paying
- Same as above except:
- when they get the invoice, they decide to not pay and they contact SHF (phone or email) to say they don't want to join (cancel their
- payment status is changed from payment pending to ?
- when they get the invoice, they decide to not pay and they contact SHF (phone or email) to say they don't want to join (cancel their
- How is this communicated to HIPS? SHF admin logs in to HIPS site and goes to the administration page? (we need to understand)
- Person is a simple 1-person company. Logs in to SHF and chooses to pay by an invoice. (Assume HIPS for now)
- Tuesday, September 18, 2017 17:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm time)
- New Member: editing their company -address fields not shown
- Nav menu: User can edit his/her profile info
- Wording for SHF email templates (https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/140637017)
- Wording for user "landing page" (next steps to applying for membership) (https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/147798837)
- Member with two (or more) membership applications:
- Do we ever have this situation?
- Bella: not sure ... will consult with board and determine if we need to support this or not.
- How to handle payments for added membership application?
- No additional fee required?
- Full fee required?
- Reduced fee?
- Do we ever have this situation?
- We would like to understand the current payment process(es)
- Overview would be helpful - not all details needed now
- Bella:
- In November, all current members are sent a renewal notification (physical mail). That contains information regarding how to pay the membership fee.
- Payment is by a direct payment to the SHF bank account, from the member's bank account.
- Currently, SHF is not set up to handle credit card payments. However, they are willing to consider that as an option for online payments.
- We told Bella that we will be talking to a payment services provider soon, and will come back with more information as to how this will work - especially the cost structure.
- We would like to understand the current membership renewal process
- See above.
NOTE Bella asked about this story during the meeting. See comment in that story.
NOTE Bella is working on these questions and will get back to us as soon as possible.
- Tuesday, September 5, 2017 18:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm/CED)
- Emails: Wording in the emails and the SHF email address for people to use (greeting, sign-off, footer)
- use only first name for salutation at start of email body ("Hello <first name>")
- client to review all body text
- client to review footer text and any included links
- We will not allow the user to change the language if they need to fix an error
- Bug fix: If a membership application has files associated/attached with it, and the membership application is deleted, those attached files are now deleted correctly.
- Menus have been revised a bit. Feedback?
Focus on emails, some user interaction/user interface work (clean up, make flow smoother)
Payment Processing will be next big 'chunk' of work.
- August 22, 2017 18:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm/CED)
- Review: what is the minimum information needed for someone to apply for membership?
- first and last name, email,... ?
- August 10, 2017 18:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm/CED)
Work completed during the sprint
Demo completed items: Admin enters reason for "waiting for info from user"
- Development team is talking about and thinking about what to do if a company is not being mapped in the correctly location (discussion at last client meeting). (There are tasks in Pivotal Tracker.)
- Member only documents: additional Swedish characters in titles weren't there. Patrick showed that (now that the titles can be changed), admins just need to edit the documents to update the titles
- July 24, 2017 18:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm/CED)
- Work completed during the sprint
- User Account Management
- User can change password themselves (via a "Edit Account" feature, for instance)
- User can change email associated with their account (via "Edit Account")
- Question: should we move "first_name" and "last_name" to User account (instead of membership application?) - User "Forgot Password" feature (which results in a changed password as well, via email process)
- Member Address - add "Billing" address
- Notification email to user upon application status change: - under review - waiting for applicant - review for review - waiting for payment - waiting for information (pending feature to be added) - accepted - rejected
- Link to "Events" (connect with DinKurs.se)
- Feedback mechanism for members (site design, desired features, organizational suggestions, etc)
- Revised UI design for ease-of-use, look-and-feel.
- Client feedback
- July 10, 2017 18:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm/CED)
Work completed during the sprint
Demo completed items:
Membership Application: Setting the Waiting for... reason: (Ashley - demo)
If the admin has entered text for a 'custom' reason, then changes the reason (selects a 'standard' reason), then changes back to the custom/other reason, should that entered text still be there? or should it be blank?
- Admin can reset user password (notification to user would occur outside of app)
- User Account Management
- User can change password themselves (via a "Edit Account" feature, for instance)
- User can change email associated with their account (via "Edit Account")
- Question: should we move "first_name" and "last_name" to User account (instead of membership application?) - User "Forgot Password" feature (which results in a changed password as well, via email process)
- Member Address - add "Billing" address
- Notification email to user upon application status change: - under review - waiting for applicant - review for review - waiting for payment - waiting for information (pending feature to be added) - accepted - rejected
- Link to "Events" (connect with DinKurs.se)
- Feedback mechanism for members (site design, desired features, organizational suggestions, etc)
- Revised UI design for ease-of-use, look-and-feel.
- Review Google Analytics
- July 3, 2017 18:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm/CED)
- Alternative: July 5
Work completed during the sprint
- Backups now stored on AWS
- Email delivery service configured and ready for feature development
- Membership application status: Admin maintains reasons for "waiting for info from user" (Ashley)
- Numerous code fixes / improvements
Demo completed items:
- Feature: Add 'Waiting for Payment' as a state for MembershipApplications (Robert)
- BUG fix: Company search results duplicated for multiple categories. (Pat)
- BUG fix: Text sorting (names, regions, etc.) not respecting Swedish sorting order. (Pat)
- Membership application status: Admin enters reason for "waiting for info from user" (Ashley)
- Document: Addresses for Members, Companies, and how they relate (Ashley)
- Member Page: add new (blank) member page (which can then be edited and content added)
- Show both contact email and user login email on the 'user details' page
- If a person works for 2 different companies, must they submit 2 different membership applications? And if so, does that mean they need to pay twice?
- Discussed in prior meeting, and answer was "probably no" - any more thoughts on this?
- Monday, June 19, 18:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm/CED)
- Work completed during the sprint
- Demo completed items:
- Include address in CSV export of member info (Ashley)
- Company map annotation (report error, terms of service) - show in Swedish (Pat)
- Company website opened in new window (Pat)
- Remove member page disclaimer re special characters (Pat)
- Membership application status: "Waiting for info from user", "Waiting for Payment", etc.
- Document: Addresses for Members, Companies, and how they relate
- Backups: continue progress to move to AWS
- Member Page: add new (blank) member page (which can then be edited and content added)
- Bug Fix: Company search results duplicated for multiple categories
- Bug Fix: DB sorting not respecting Swedish sorting order
- If a person works for 2 different companies, must they submit 2 different membership applications? And if so, does that mean they need to pay twice?
- SUNDAY, June 4, 18:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm/CED)
- Work completed during the sprint
- Demo completed items:
- A company owner can choose how much of their address to show (Pat)
- accepted!
- A company owner can choose how much of their address to show (Pat)
We started discussing what information SHF must have for a company. This lead us into a discussion about addresses:
- what addresses does SHF need to have for a member? To mail things out (and will need for billing soon)
- a company will have an address because Sweden requires it when they get an Org. nr.
- what is the relationship between a member's address and a company's mailing address?
- User story: "Visitor searches for companies near them" (Ashley) Is this needed now? Can visitors accomplish this with the current map?
Email addresses needed:
notification email address (goes out from SHF) no replies
example: noreply@sverigeshundforetagare.se
will be managed at MailGun
replies will get sent to email the a real person will read
Next Major Milestone: Email Notifications
- MONDAY, May 22, 18:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm/CED)
- Work completed during the sprint
- Demo completed items
- Admin can edit member pages
Maybe also look at # 5 below?
For story https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/141116065 (user with a company can choose at what level of granularity to disclose their address - in text form and in maps)
- Can address visibility be set at a level where no address information is shown, and thus no map is shown for that company?
- Proposed address visibility levels:
- Street - map point is at exact physical address
- City - map point is at center of city
- Kommun - map point is at center of kommun
- Address granularity will not include Region (too coarse to be useful, plus region can include "Sweden" and "Online")
- If the answer to the first question is "yes", then the coarsest setting for address visibility would be kommun, and above that the user would just select "Don't show my address".
The list of Member "static" pages does not include the characters ä, å and ö in the displayed page name. How important is it that these letters be included? (The page name is shown correctly when the page is viewed)
Showing a reason why SHF is waiting for a payment (PivotalTracker user story here :
- suggestion: show a drop-down list of 3 - 4 typical reasons and provide an 'other' field where SHF admin can write in a reason. After some time (a month or 2?), learn from the data: look at all of the reasons entered and modify the list of 'typical' reasons. (Add to the list, change items, whatever seems appropriate.)
Ashley put together a first draft of the Major SHF Areas
Next Major Milestone: Email Notifications?
- must get email capability in place on the server (sending, receiving, email accounts)
- then can decide what area will be targeted first. suggestion:
- users and members can update their own passwords
- email notifications when membership-status related events happen (approved, rejected, etc.)
- MONDAY, May 1, 18:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm/CED)
Review of prior Sprint (sprint 10), completed March 31, 2017
- Work completed during the sprint
- Demo completed items
- Members can edit custom information for their company (Patrick)
- Admin can upload SHF documents (Meeting minutes) (Ashley)
- Companies show on a map on the home page and can be searched (Ashley)
Review work in-progress
- monthly storage costs (Ashley)
Getting Feedback from SHF users
- It's important to get feedback
- we've now provided a lot of capabilities
- is this actually valuable to SHF? to SHF Members? (are we doing the right things?)
- are these things working well? how can they be better? do they need to be fixed/changed?
Specifically point out what the system does for SHF members and ask for their feedback (Go to where they are: Facebook? emails? newsletter?)
- ask specific questions and point out specific things (the value provided, how things work, etc.)
- It's important to get feedback
Other Sprint 11 items (selected)
Visitor: Search for companies near me (the person browsing the site)
A company owner can choose how much of their address to show (text and map)
Online editor for admin to edit "member pages" (the static ones)
Membership information - enforce required fields
Company information - enforce required fields
Confirm date and time for next client meeting
- MONDAY, April 17 18:00 UTC (= 20:00 Stockholm/CED)
Review of prior Sprint, completed March 17, 2017
- Work completed during the sprint
- Demo completed items
Review work in-progress
- Show searched companies on a map
Other Sprint 10 items (selected)
- Admin can upload PDF documents of meetings
- Members can view meeting PDF documented
- Visitor: Search for companies within a certain distance of a particular location
- A company owner can choose how much of their address to show (text and map)
- Member can edit Information about their company using in-line editor
- Membership information - enforce required fields
- Company information - enforce required fields
- Online editor for admin to edit "member pages" (the static ones)
- Visitor: Search for companies within a certain distance of a particular location
- Confirm date and time for next client meeting
- April 3 - 19:00 UTC
- Review of prior Sprint, completed March 3, 2017
Work completed during the sprint (stories & bugs visible to client)
Demo completed items
- Review backlog f(bold items are highest priority)
Mapping & Geocoding (default landing page)
- Company location on map
- Click pin and see company info
- Company URL - click to open separate window/tab
Emails to users
- When membership is accepted
- when other membership state changes happen (request for more information, etc.) = Reminder for upcoming membership renewal
Password recover/change
- Admin changes password for user (one of the top priorities)
- Self-service by user (user can reset/change their own password)
Company information entry
- text edit box so a member can enter a more detailed description about the company
- additional contact information
- other information for a company?
Link to events
"Supportive" memberships
Member Pages
- Ability to edit page contents
- Member info:
are required- Note these as required in form (with star)
- Require "required" attributes are entered before saving or updating
- Password change button title (swinglesh)
- User index page
- "ago" versus "sedan"
- Member info:
Questions the client has for the team
Confirm date and time for next client meeting
- March 21 - 18:30 UTC
- Review of prior Sprint, completed February 17, 2017
Work completed during the sprint (stories & bugs visible to client)
Demo completed items
- All stories accepted
Accepted items go into production shortly after client meeting.
- Review how the "Status buttons" work
- diagram showing the basic flow / status changes
- go over how "need more information from applicant" and "application is ready for review" works
- Questions for client
a. Addresses: mailing, billing, company location(s) - We need to all understand the different addresses to track, and how to make it easy for the users to enter them (providing defaults). See the 1 page PDF sketch and notes
b. Member address - Currently, there is no address attached directly to the member (user) account. Rather there is an address associated with a user's membership application. However a user can have multiple Applications, which could lead to duplication and errors in data entry. - Proposal - Add the user's address directly to the user's account. We could call this the "mailing" address or the "home" address - whichever is most appropriate. This address would be used for all membership applications created by the user. - NOTE: We want to make sure we are in compliance with Swedish privacy laws
Client Review:
- Mailing address for Member
- enter after membership is accepted
- Billing address for Member
- implement later after payments work
- only one billing address possible
- Company address - Can be multiple locations
- enter after membership is accepted
- Mailing address for Member
c. Review the "All Users" view - What information would be helpful in assessing in managing users and user activity? - When we move the user address to the user account (from membership application) we will also be able to show user name and address (if useful). - Client feedback: - Show the Open applications
- Review backlog for prioritization and clarification (bold items are highest priority) The focus is on what provides value to the members; what things the members can see.
Mapping & Geocoding (default landing page)
- Company location on map
- Click pin and see company info
- Company URL - click to open separate window/tab
- Payments
- Emails to users
- When membership is accepted
- when other membership state changes happen (request for more information, etc.) = Reminder for upcoming membership renewal
- Password recover/change
- Admin changes password for user (one of the top priorities)
- Self-service by user (user can reset/change their own password)
- Company information entry
- text edit box so a member can enter a more detailed description about the company
- additional contact information
- other information for a company?
- Link to events
- "Supportive" memberships
- Others ??
Questions the client has for the team
Confirm date and time for next client meeting
- March 6 - 18:30 UTC
- Review of prior Sprint, completed February 3, 2017
Work completed during the sprint (stories & bugs visible to client)
Delete company associated with deleted membership application.
- Client remarks: client accepts story
Members get Newsletter: download emails to csv
- Client remarks: CSV fields are sufficient, client accepts story
Ability to show/hide company search form
Client remarks:
- client accepts story
- client wants to see all company categories in companies index view
- One story: put into current production version - one row showing all categories
- 2nd story: mock up alternative(s)
Client remarks:
Delete company associated with deleted membership application.
Demo completed items
Accepted items go into production shortly after client meeting.
- Review backlog for prioritization and clarification (bolded items are highest priority)
Mapping & Geocoding (default landing page)
- Company location on map
- Click pin and see company info
- Company URL - click to open separate window/tab
- Payments
- Emails to users
- When membership is accepted = Reminder for upcoming membership renewal
- Password recover/change
- Admin changes password for user (one of top priorities)
- Self-service by user
- Company information entry (about the company, contact persons(s), etc.)
- Link to events
- Supporting "supportive" members
- Others ??
Questions the team has for the client
Questions the client has for the team
Confirm date and time for next client meeting
- Thursday, February 23 - 19:30 UTC