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01. Setup Development Environment

Emre Akkaya edited this page Dec 19, 2016 · 1 revision



  • Install open JDK via sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk


  • Documentation about installing and configuring git can be found here and here
  • Git home (download, docs)

Maven 3

  • Get Maven 3 (Specifically, at least version 3.1.1 is needed to use static code analyzers and maven-tycho plugin!).
  • Maven home (download, docs)



  1. Orbit repository is needed to handle OSGI dependencies.
  2. Before installing Orbit on Eclipse, we need to find the correct repository belonging to installed Eclipse version from Orbit downloads site.
  3. Then we need to add this URL to Eclipse via 'Help --> Install New Software --> Add'.
  4. Finally, required bundles can be installed. (At the moment, jackson, apache httpcomponents and poi bundles are required.)
  5. Restart Eclipse after successfull installation.
  6. Clone lider-console project by running git clone
  7. Change directory to scripts/ and run ./ to build the project and generate third party dependencies. This command will generate OSGI bundles under lider-console-dependencies/target/repository/ directory.
  8. Import the project into Eclipse as 'Existing Maven Projects'.
  9. Go to 'Help --> Install New Software --> Add', enter as location and select Apache Directory Studio in the list, then install selected bundles.
  10. Again, go to 'Help --> Install New Software --> Add' and add generated third party dependencies (Step 3) by adding lider-console-dependencies/target/repository/ directory as local repository, finally select and install all bundles.
  11. Restart Eclipse and run the application as Eclipse RCP Application.

Warning: When the project is run for the first time, Eclipse might throw an exception. If this error occurs, go to 'Run --> Debug Configurations...' and on the 'Plugins' tab click 'Add Required Libraries' to allow Eclipse to use all required bundles.

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