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Security: Agapurnis/factorial-defence-rbx


If you find a vulernability within Roblox itself, please see this.

In the event that one finds a security vulnerability, please responsibly disclose it by contacting and not filing an issue.

What is a vulernability?

The definition provided will be purposely loose, so if you feel that what you may have found is a "security vulernability" but is not listed below, do not hesitate to bring it up!

A security vulnerability within the context of this project will be defined as something that has the potential to do one or more of the following:

  • Access user data which would not be accessible through normal means
  • Modify user data which would not be possible through normal means
  • Cause the server to experience degraded performance

What happens after a vulnerability is found?

An issue will be filed for the purposes of recordkeeping after the vulnerability has been patched and deployed, and you will be (optionally) credited.

What happens if the vulnerability is not resolved after a significant amount of time?

You may publicly announce it.

There aren’t any published security advisories