This project was generated with the Angular Full-Stack Generator version 2.1.1.
install bower, grunt
npm run dev
npm run staging
to run in dev env with the data of staging, you should run afrostream-backend using :
npm run staging
and you should run afrostream-admin using :
grunt build && sleep 1 && npm run localstaging
refactor afrostream-request passing request as arguments of request => NODE_DEBUG=http <= dies in Maximum call stack size exceed...
renommer tout ce qui est factory "factory" , service "service", etc... (actuellement .service peut contenir des factory, etc)
add eslint
- passer sur une autre techno, ex: react + redux pour être iso front en réutilisant les templates, et une partie du code
removing jade :
find . -name "*.jade" | xargs -n 1 pug -P
find . -name "*.jade" | xargs rm
removing less :
lessc --include-path=.:../components:../../client/bower_components app.less > app.css