This project aims to provide insights into the shopping habits of customers in a small business by utilizing Bayesian analysis and the Gamma-Poisson model.
#Steps to run the project.
- Open RStudio.
- Create a new project: a. Select "File" > "New Project". b. Choose "Existing Directory". c. Navigate to the directory where your R script and data file are located. d. Click "Create Project".
- In the RStudio environment, navigate to the "Files" pane in the lower right corner of the window.
- Open the R script file: a. Double-click on it. b. Select it and click "Open".
- To run the code, install the below libraries beforehand. a. install.packages("MASS") b. install.packages("MCMCpack") Note: Gelman-Rubin diagnostic has been run both with and without the package. Calculations have been done without explicitly using the predefined package.
- Data have been directly fed into the code itself as our final data is derived from the original dataset.
- Took the original dataset and derived secondary data from it which will act as our priors. so, no need for original data to import.
- Click "Run" on the right corner to run the code.