###Description It contains a tableViewController and a tableView with refreshView(header) and loadMoreView(footer), and you can choose to show or hide the refreshView or loadMoreView.
It imitates the UI of the iPhone app ——《网易新闻》.
It is easy to use.
###How to use
Use SCTableViewController
- copy the folder
to your project. - add a controller inherits from
and set delegate, dataSource to the controller. - override the method
- (void)sendRequest:(id)sender
in your controller to get data and reload tableview.
(There is a demo controller SCDemoTableViewController in my project.)
Use SCTableView
- copy the folder
to your project. - add a tableview inherits from
to a controller and set delegate, dataSource, scDelegate to the controller. - use the scDelegate methods
- (void)didBeginToRefresh:(SCTableView *)tableView
- (void)didBeginToLoadMoreData:(SCTableView *)tableView
to get data and reload tableview.
(There is a demo controller DemoViewController in my project.)
- SCTableView:
* YES: refreshView is the subview of tableView (refreshView will move with tableview)
* NO: refreshView is the subview of tableView.superView (refreshView will NOT move with tableview)
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isRefreshViewOnTableView;
* set hidden to YES:cancel the refersh data module
* set hidden to NO: add the refersh module
@property (nonatomic, strong) SCRereshHeaderView *refreshView;
* YES: start the refresh animation, and call the refresh method to get data
* NO: stop the refresh animation
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isTableRefreshing;
* set hidden to YES:cancel the load more data module
* set hidden to NO: add the load more data module
@property (nonatomic, strong) SCLoadMoreFooterView *loadMoreView;
* YES: start the load more animation, and call the load more method to get data接口
* NO: stop the load more animation
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isTableLoadingMore;
- SCLoadMoreFooterView
* the load more data button. will call the load more data method after click this button
* set hidden to YES: will NOT show the load more data button
* set hidden to NO: will show the load more data button
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIButton *loadMoreBtn;
This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license.