Requested changes have been made and are pending a re-scan
Requires changes to be made to the package before being accepted
Autocheck failed to run through a complete cycle, requires investigation
Due to the permissions on the requesting repo, this pull request must be rebased by the author
PR needs to be reviewed by another person, after the requested changes have been made
Does not conform to developer policies, or includes potentially dangerous code
Author has skipped code scan
Plugin API, CLI, browser JS API
Auto-type functionality in desktop apps
Browser plugins and passing data to <=> from KeeWeb
Customizing KeeWeb: plugins, themes, configs
Installers and other forms of software distribution
Issues about collaboration, administration, and so on
YubiKey, other tokens, biometrics
Import from and export to different file formats
Enhance an existing feature
Core library:
Web and desktop performance issues
Requested changes should be implemented as a plugin
Updates on the development of KeeWeb