Implementation of IOAM Direct Exporting (RFC 9326) in kernel and user spaces.
Paper: accepted at NetDev 0x19 conference.
Implemention of DEX in Linux kernel reyling on lightweight tunnels.
Based on the implementation for IOAM Pre-allocated Trace Option-type (PTO) whil ensuring backward compatibility.
See patch.
Add support to iproute2 for configuring from user space lightweight tunnels to use IOAM DEX.
See patch.
Our patch has been merged (part 1 and part 2) in the mainline repository.
However, a new version has not been released since then. Thus, you need to compile from the sources to benefit from our patch. Please refer to Wireshark's developer guide for instructions on how to compile depending on your OS.
It is a Go-based implementation for encoding and exporting IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) messages of In Situ Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (IOAM) data.
See repository ioam-exporter.
For collecting IPFIX data, we rely on CESNET's ipfixcol2.
It can support IOAM DEX by using the custom ioam_dex.xml file containing definition of IPFIX information elements.