This webpage will let you send some simple commands to your SimCom Module.
- Send AT-Commands to you SimCom module directly over the webpage
- No downloads or installation
- Description of every command, with integrated help and AT-manual
- Check module and firmware
❕ Actually, only the SIM7080G (SIM7070G and SIM7090G) is implemented. Other modules can be used if compatible or can be implemented in future without much work.
- Connect your module with your PC (USB or Serial).
- Open the webpage with Edge, Chrome or another browser with Serial-functionality.
- Press on "Connect" and select the right serial port on your browser (the first SimTech serial port, on USB)
- If everything is connected, you should see something like this:
- You can press any predefined commands on the left panel
- Or you can write the commands directly in the "chat"
- If you press on "📃" a tutorial should be visible for that command.
- Create a workspace in GitHub
- Add extension "Live Preview" from Microsoft
- Open index.html and press on the right/top button "show preview", opening the browser-tab in a new window
- Edit and test it until you have a working version.
I am testing a SIM7080 Module, so this page has some 7080-specific commands.
The structure should let me/us to add (without much works) more commands and to add module-specific commands.
The page is not able to parse "unsolicited results". I need to integrate this functionality.
Web Serial Port API (
Javascript PDFLib for (
SimCom Module (
Too complicated or module does not answer? Try a Web Serial Terminal: