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Phorcys: a browser-based graphics server

Phorcys (pronounced /ˈfɔːrsᵻs/, "forceus"), a god of the hidden changes of the deep.

Originally forked from display which was forked from gfx.js.

The ultimate goal of this project is to provide a simple visualisation package for python based projects.

Why port from Lua? Most linux machines come with python.

Install for Python (numpy required) via:

python install [--user]

See for sample usage.

from PyDisplay import * image(image_data, title='My Image') plot(data, labels=[ 'position', 'a', 'b' ], title='My Plot')

Supported commands

Common parameters:

  • win: identifier of the window to be reused (pick a random one if you want a new window)
  • title: title for the window title bar

image creates a zoomable <img> element

  • src: URL for the <img> element
  • width: initial width in pixels
  • labels: array of 3-element arrays [ x, y, text ], where x, y are the coordinates (0, 0) is top-left, (1, 1) is bottom-right; text is the label content

plot creates a Dygraph, all Dygraph options are supported

  • file: see Dygraph data formats for supported formats
  • labels: list of strings, first element is the X label

text sends raw HTML

audio creates an audio pane

mesh given a set of 3D vertices and faces, will create a Three.Js rendering

isosurface given a 3D volume, will render the isosurface using Three.Js and the marching cubes algorithm

graph3d creates a 3D graph of multiple types, using vis.js

Technical overview

The server is a trivial message forwarder:

POST /events -> EventSource('/events')

The Lua client sends JSON commands directly to the server. The browser script interprets these commands, e.g.

{ command: 'image', src: 'data:image/png;base64,....', title: 'lena' }


Replace Dygraph with Visjs

Commands: audio - port from display - Mostly completed WebGL - possibly use Vispy or raw Three.js - On its way video - could possibly just use raw video html tags

Higher Level functions:

  • Display Fully Connected Layer weights
  • Display Convolution Layer weights
  • API's for interacting with other packages e.g. Keras, Lasagne


Python implementation of Display server (







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