Maths II subject final project at CITM UPC's Video Game Design and Development Degree.
This project is about how to develop a tool to control the orientation of 3D shapes by using a keyboard as input.
What this tool does is to define rotations based on the user input, apply the rotation to the 3D model (rotate its frame) and finally redraw the object refreshing the image on the screen. When this process is ran at high rates, it is possible to create the effect of interaction between the user and the 3D model.
- {W/S} -> X's axis rotation.
- {A/D} -> Y's axis rotation.
- {Q/E} -> Z's axis rotation.
- {ENTER} -> Introduce manually new Euler Angles value (in console window).
- {ARROWS} -> Cube translation.
- {SPACEBAR} -> Idle cube rotation
- {R} -> Reset scenario
- {F11} -> Fullscreen mode
Click here to go to the project Github repository.
This project is licensed under an unmodified MIT license, which is an OSI-certified license that allows static linking with closed source software. Check LICENSE for further details.