APAM (APplication Abstract Machine) is a runtime platform to support execution of adaptable applications.
<name>Cloudbees Private Repository - ApAM - Release </name>
<name>Cloudbees Private Repository - ApAM - Snapshot</name>
<apam xmlns="fr.imag.adele.apam" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="fr.imag.adele.apam http://repository-apam.forge.cloudbees.com/release/schema/ApamCore.xsd">
Please suffix ApamCore with version number (using previous release number or latest release number plus "-SNAPSHOT"). For instance to use ApAM release 0.0.3 :
<apam xmlns="fr.imag.adele.apam" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="fr.imag.adele.apam http://repository-apam.forge.cloudbees.com/release/schema/ApamCore-0.0.3.xsd">
ApAM 0.0.9 details (currently under development)
- To be defined
ApAM 0.0.8 - Porn Panda bugfix download
- Support for java 8
- Migration to the latest supported version of iPOJO (1.12.1)
- Apam Maven Plugin : complete refactoring to enhance compile-time validation
- dynamic resolution : complete refactoring to better handle asynchrony, and avoid deadlocks
- Instance removal : better support to dynamically remove instances
ApAM 0.0.7 - Ornery Orangutan bugfix download
- Instance lifecycle
- Instances can self-destroy or be destroyed calling the onRemove callback
- Instances are not created if throwing exception on constructor or OnInit callback
- Instances are blacklisted for the current resolution if throwing exception during creation
- Apam component Repository (ACR)
- outputAcr configuration of Apam Maven Plugin installs apam component in a specific repository (OBR)
- inputAcr configuration of Apam Maven Plugin check a component dependencies against specific repositories (OBR)
- Apam Maven Plugin extended
- Maven artifacts of dependencies are no longer required in the pom where there are no code dependencies
- Maven bundle plugin is no longer required in the pom
- Checking the ipojo metadata of the dependencies (opening corresponding jar files) is now optional (using inputAcr instead)
- Possible to check particular version range for a group of a component during compilation
- Extended pending command behavior
- ApAM support event-admin and other attributes namespace in implementation declaration (compatible with ow2-chameleon Fuchsia)
- Adding java packages as provided/required resources (experimental, might interact with Bundle repository Resolution)
- Separation of concern between expected managers and manager configuration
- Several bugfix
- Instance lifecycle
ApAM 0.0.6 - Napkin Ninja bugfix download
- Added new Property Type : float (a floating point value, mapped to java Float Class)
- Added new Property Type : version (defining an OSGi version, mapped to org.osgi.framework.Version)
- Contextual Relation : "ContextDependencyType" are back again for composite contextual behavior
- Refactoring of OBRMan manager for better compliance with OBR specifications
- Refactoring of Managers (startup, order, declaration of config files)
- ApAM is now building properly on maven 3.1.x (and still working for maven 3.0.x)
- Bufixes with composite behavior (now main implementation are working as expected, an apam-instance can refer to a composite in another bundle)
- A lot of bugfixes to improve startup behavior and asynchronous declaration processing (ApAM should be now waiting for the bundles to start correctly)
- ConflictMan Manager is now properly defined for grant behavior(and works accordingly)
- Bugfixes with promotions
- Added new feature to add properties to ApAM components during build, such as maven properties of the project, apam version that have made the built (to be considered as experimental, can change drastically with next releases)
- WARNING : Several changes to apam.xsd (apam components descriptor schema) ARE NOT compatible with previous releases (0.0.4)
- removed ambiguous and unused types as "instance" (ambiguous with same ipojo concept), "ContextDependencyType", "ResourceDependencyType"
- "dependency" element deprecated and fully replaced by "relation"
- for relations, resolve="exist" is now the default behavior for relation
- for properties, removed deprecated internal="true/false" -> replaced by injected="internal/external/both"
- replaced "value" attribute by "default" in property definition
- added "deny" element as the explicit reverse property of grant for a component
- added "implementation" element for granted components
- New specs for property definition and inheritance
- New specs for metasubstitution
- New specs for promotion
- Clear separation between ApAM core (runtime and core managers such as ApAMan, OSGiMan, FailureMan, DynaMan) and optional managers (ObrMan, ConflictMan, DistriMan, Histman)
- ApAM now works upon iPojo 1.11
- Updated libraries version (felix 4.2+) and such
- ApAM core can now run on top of Android (accordingly to how felix is embedded)
- WARNING : Several changes to apam.xsd (apam components descriptor schema) ARE NOT compatible with previous releases (0.0.4)
- Bugfix
- Relations
- Meta substitution
ApAM 0.0.2
- Previous implementantation without relation optimization
ApAM 0.0.1
- Not anylonger supported version