Shows exactly what turn every unit you have ever seen was built on. Good for knowing if the enemy saved funds, or if they have a hidden unit that you haven't seen yet.
It can also let you make educated guesses as to the location of other units.
For example:
- I can see that this recon was built on turn 3.
- That's very early - it means my opponent's capture game is delayed.
- Because of that, I know my opponent cannot possibly have built a tank until turn 7 at the earliest (instead of turn 6), without base skipping
./ <game_id>
=== DAY 5.0 (opponent) ===
Total: $7000, (+$1000)
Infantry (10HP) - At 4x4
=== DAY 5.5 (my-username) ===
Total: $19000, (+$9000)
Tank (10HP) - At 12x9
Infantry (10HP) - At 11x9
Infantry (10HP) - At 4x1
=== DAY 6.0 (opponent) ===
Total: $15000, (+$8000)
Tank (8HP) - At 13x13
Infantry (10HP) - At 10x13
=== DAY 6.5 (my-username) ===
Total: $28000, (+$9000)
Tank (5HP) - At 13x8
Infantry (10HP) - At 9x6
Infantry (10HP) - At 7x1
... more lines
Shows what ratio of units players built in previous games, and the order that each new unit appeared. This can help reveal if players have a tendency to always open with a certain unit (e.g: recon/tank), and show if they are likely to follow up with artillery, b-copter, or anti-air.
# This will use your own username (from creds.json) if none is specified
./ [username]
ANALYSING GAME 123456. SomeOtherUser playing as Adder
{'Artillery': '8.33%', 'Tank': '33.33%', 'Recon': '16.67%', 'B-Copter': '25.0%', 'Anti-Air': '16.67%'}
ANALYSING GAME 234567. SomeOtherUser playing as Sonja
{'Tank': '43.48%', 'B-Copter': '26.09%', 'Recon': '8.7%', 'Anti-Air': '13.04%', 'Md.Tank': '4.35%', 'Mech': '4.35%'}