This app's goal is to aggregate articles from popular news sources and presents them bias-free in a user-friendly interface.
For articles with similar headlines, it allows users to choose between viewing individual sources or a summarized version of all articles. If articles are unique to each source, the app provides options for viewing the single source and a summary option.
- Step 1: Android IDE setup
- Step 2: Plan The App
- List out all the features:
- Fetching news articles from multiple sources
- Comparing similar headlines
- Providing summaries
- User interface for selecting sources and viewing summaries
- Design UI/UX: Tools like Figma or Adobe XD can be helpful.
- List out all the features:
- Step 3: Fetch News Articles
- Use APIs like NewsAPI, Google News API, or GDELT to fetch news articles.
- Use Retrofit or OkHttp libraries to make network requests to these APIs.
- Step 4: Compare Headlines
- Implement a text similarity algorithm to compare headlines.
- Use libraries like Apache OpenNLP or Google's ML Kit for Natural Language Processing (NLP).
- Group articles with similar headlines together.
- Step 5: Provide Summaries
- Use a summarization algorithm to generate summaries of articles.
- Use libraries like Sumy or implement my own using NLP techniques.
- Provide an option for users to view summaries of grouped articles.
- Use a summarization algorithm to generate summaries of articles.
- Step 6: Build the UI
- Display a list of news articles with options to view by source or summary.
- Detail Screen: Show the full article or summary when a user selects an article.
- Settings Screen: Allow users to customize their news sources and preferences.
- Display a list of news articles with options to view by source or summary.
- Step 7: Test The App
- Write unit tests for the app to ensure it works as expected.
- Test the UI, make sure it is intuitive and responsive.
- Step 8: Deploy The App
- Publish on Google Play.
- Gather Feedback: Encourage users to provide feedback and use it to improve the app.
- Write unit tests for the app to ensure it works as expected.
public interface NewsApiService {
Call<NewsResponse> getTopHeadlines(@Query("apiKey") String apiKey, @Query("sources") String sources);
// In Activity or ViewModel
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
NewsApiService service = retrofit.create(NewsApiService.class);
Call<NewsResponse> call = service.getTopHeadlines("API_KEY", "bbc-news, cnn");
call.enqueue(new Callback<NewsResponse>() {
public void onResponse(Call<NewsResponse> call, Response<NewsResponse> response) {
if (response.isSuccessful()) {
List<Article> articles = response.body().getArticles();
// Process articles
public void onFailure(Call<NewsResponse> call, Throwable t) {
// Handle failure