Acurast Substrate is a Cumulus-based parachain. The Cumulus Parachain Template was used as the base for the node and runtime implementation.
To learn more about Acurast please visit the website and documentation.
Pallets and crates relevant for third, party integrations.
- Acurast P256 crypto: Crates providing crypto primitives to support p256 signatures in substrate
- ink contracts for substrate-based chains:
Acurast Protocol specific pallets.
- Acurast Pallet: Main pallet integrated by the Acurast parachain
- Acurast Marketplace Pallet: Acurast marketplace functionality integrated by the Acurast parachain
cargo build --release
# or
make build-release
cargo build --no-default-features --features "std" --release
# or
make build-kusama-release
export PATH="$PATH:<absolute_path>/polkadot/target/release"
make start
First build the plain chain spec:
./target/release/acurast-node build-spec --disable-default-bootnode > acurast-local-parachain-plain.json
In acurast-local-parachain-plain.json
set the parachain id to 2000 by:
- changing the value of
at the root level - changing the value at
Then create the raw version of the chain spec:
./target/release/acurast-node build-spec --chain acurast-local-parachain-plain.json --raw --disable-default-bootnode > acurast-local-parachain-2000-raw.json
Now run the node with the following command:
RUST_LOG=runtime=trace ./target/release/acurast-node --alice --collator --force-authoring --chain acurast-local-parachain-2000-raw.json --base-path /tmp/parachain/alice --rpc-port 8080 --port 40333 --ws-port 8844 --unsafe-rpc-external --unsafe-ws-external --rpc-cors all -- --execution wasm --chain ../polkadot/acurast-local-raw.json --port 30343 --ws-port 9977
The above command assumes that there is a rococo relay chain with the raw spec at ../polkadot/acurast-local-raw.json
See substrate tutorials on how to setup the replay chain and connect a parachain to it: