A Node.js wrapper for tripsit.me's API <3
Install the package
npm install tripsit-api
Try it out!
const tripsitAPI = require('tripsit-api');
tripsitAPI.getInteraction("lsd", "mdma")
.then( (data) => {
This will print:
status: 'Low Risk & Synergy',
interactionCategoryA: 'lsd',
interactionCategoryB: 'mdma'
Some information about this package and tripsit.me's API!
Returns the interaction between drugA and drugB.
will be one of the following:
- "Low Risk & Synergy"
- "Low Risk & No Synergy"
- "Low Risk & Decrease"
- "Caution"
- "Unsafe"
- "Dangerous"
- "Unknown"
Information about what these statuses mean can be found here.
status: "status",
interactionCategoryA: "drugA category name",
interactionCategoryB: "drugB category name"
Returns information for the given drug.
This returns a lot of information and some of the properties vary depending on the drug! But it'll look something like this:
name: "drug name",
properties: {
summary: "description of the drug",
dose: "all dose types, doses, and dose note",
effects: "effect, effect, ...",
aliases: [ "alias", ... ],
categories: [ "category name", ... ],
duration: "formatted duration",
onset: "formatted onset",
half-life: "formatted half life",
after-effects: "formatted after effects",
wiki: "url"
aliases: [ "alias", ... ],
categories: [ "category name", ... ],
formatted_dose: {
"Dose Type": {
Light: "int-int unit",
Common: "int-int unit",
Strong: "int-int unit",
Heavy: "int unit+",
formatted_duration: {
value: "int-int",
_unit: "unit"
formatted_onset: {
value: "int-int",
_unit: "unit"
formatted_aftereffects: {
value: "int-int",
_unit: "unit"
formatted_effects: [ "effect name", ... ],
pretty_name: "Pretty Capitalized Drug Name",
dose_note: "Important note regarding the dose"
links: {
"link title": "url",
sources: {
_general: [
"brief description of the source - url",
pweffects: {
"effect name": "url to psychonautwiki page for effect",
Returns an array of strings. This array includes every drug name.
Returns an array of strings. This array includes every drug name that fits the given category, not including aliases.
Returns an array of every single drug. Each drug is in the same format as getDrug()
{drug object},
Returns a list of all categories.
name: "category name",
description: "description",
wiki: "url"
Returns an array of strings. This array includes all drug names and aliases. Aliases are valid inputs for getDrug()
and getInteraction()
Any errors, like an invalid drug or category name, will return the following:
err: true,
msg: "some error message"