- Go to your Shopify dashboard
- Go to online store
- click the "Customize" Button
- go to your product page
- On the left side, click "Add section" button
- Look for "Custom Liquid" and add it
- select it, look for the Liquid code and copy the code from video.html file and paste it there
- after that, scroll down and find the "Custom CSS" section
- copy the code from the file and paste it there
#How can I add my videos from YouTube Shorts?
- Go to your YT video, and from URL in your browser eg: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XXXXXXX and replace "shorts/" with "watch?v=" eg:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXXXXXX
- copy the modified URL and go back to your product page and to your liquid code section
- in the code, look for <iframe src=""... between the "" paste your YouTube URL
- Repeat that two times in the other lines of the code (You should have 3 YouTube shorts video and their URL)
- Congrats, it should work now
#Need help? You can contact me via email at mohamedshoubkydev@gmail.com (Please make sure to include "Shopify-Video-YT-shorts" in the email title, it help to answer your email quickly!) P.S. You can use AI chatting tools to customize the code to fit your store if you want (eg. ChatGPT) with a little knowledge of HTML and CSS you should be fine
#Can I use this code for free? Yep, it's all yours my friend! I would appreciate it if you quote my name, but it's not required.