The e-visa website is a website that allows users to find any visa of their choice and apply for it very easily.
Website Name
Main tecnolog
- react
- react router dom
- firebase
- tailwind CSS
- daisy ui
Server site gihub Link
Website live link
- clint site link
- server site link
Five bullet points to feature my website
- To get visa of any country user can get very easily from all visa section
- The user can easily find the required visas and can apply for that visa very easily.
- User has to create log in and register option to keep all his information safe.
- After uploading the new visas, there is the latest visa option for the user to save them.
- The user can change the theme of the website according to his convenience.
* @emailjs/browser: ^4.4.1,
* animate.css: ^4.1.1,
* dotenv: ^16.4.7,
* firebase: ^11.0.2,
* node: ^23.5.0,
* react: ^18.3.1,
* react-awesome-reveal: ^4.2.14,
* react-datepicker: ^7.5.0,
* react-dom: ^18.3.1,
* react-hot-toast: ^2.4.1,
* react-icons: ^5.4.0,
* react-router-dom: ^7.0.2,
* react-tooltip: ^5.28.0,
* theme-change: ^2.5.0
Project install in local machine
npm install
=> run in localhost
npm run dev