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#374 Implement the offset type: 'datetime' for incremental ingestion.
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yruslan committed Sep 18, 2024
1 parent d23cab2 commit 80a2336
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import org.apache.spark.sql.Column
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.lit
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{LongType, StringType => SparkStringType}

import java.time.Instant

sealed trait OffsetValue extends Comparable[OffsetValue] {
def dataTypeString: String

def valueString: String

def getSparkLit: Column

def getSparkCol(col: Column): Column

object OffsetValue {
val LONG_TYPE_STR = "long"
val DATETIME_TYPE_STR = "datetime"
val INTEGRAL_TYPE_STR = "integral"
val STRING_TYPE_STR = "string"

case class LongType(value: Long) extends OffsetValue {
override val dataTypeString: String = LONG_TYPE_STR
val MINIMUM_TIMESTAMP_EPOCH_MILLI: Long = -62135596800000L

case class DateTimeType(t: Instant) extends OffsetValue {
override val dataTypeString: String = DATETIME_TYPE_STR

override def valueString: String = t.toEpochMilli.toString

override def getSparkLit: Column = lit(t.toEpochMilli)

override def getSparkCol(c: Column): Column = concat(unix_timestamp(c), date_format(c, "SSS")).cast(LongType)

override def compareTo(o: OffsetValue): Int = {
o match {
case DateTimeType(otherValue) => t.compareTo(otherValue)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Cannot compare $dataTypeString with ${o.dataTypeString}")

case class IntegralType(value: Long) extends OffsetValue {
override val dataTypeString: String = INTEGRAL_TYPE_STR

override def valueString: String = value.toString

override def getSparkLit: Column = lit(value)

override def getSparkCol(c: Column): Column = c.cast(LongType)

override def compareTo(o: OffsetValue): Int = {
o match {
case LongType(otherValue) => value.compareTo(otherValue)
case IntegralType(otherValue) => value.compareTo(otherValue)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Cannot compare $dataTypeString with ${o.dataTypeString}")
Expand All @@ -53,6 +80,8 @@ object OffsetValue {

override def getSparkLit: Column = lit(s)

override def getSparkCol(c: Column): Column = c.cast(SparkStringType)

override def compareTo(o: OffsetValue): Int = {
o match {
case StringType(otherValue) => s.compareTo(otherValue)
Expand All @@ -63,14 +92,16 @@ object OffsetValue {

def getMinimumForType(dataType: String): OffsetValue = {
dataType match {
case LONG_TYPE_STR => LongType(Long.MinValue)
case DATETIME_TYPE_STR => DateTimeType(Instant.ofEpochMilli(MINIMUM_TIMESTAMP_EPOCH_MILLI)) // LocalDateTime.of(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC).toEpochMilli
case INTEGRAL_TYPE_STR => IntegralType(Long.MinValue)
case STRING_TYPE_STR => StringType("")
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown offset data type: $dataType")

def fromString(dataType: String, value: String): OffsetValue = dataType match {
case LONG_TYPE_STR => LongType(value.toLong)
case DATETIME_TYPE_STR => DateTimeType(Instant.ofEpochMilli(value.toLong))
case INTEGRAL_TYPE_STR => IntegralType(value.toLong)
case STRING_TYPE_STR => StringType(value)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown offset data type: $dataType")
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import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.lit
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{LongType, StringType}
import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec

import java.time.Instant

class OffsetValueSuite extends AnyWordSpec {
"OffsetValue" should {
"be able to create a LongType instance" in {
val offsetValue = OffsetValue.LongType(42)
assert(offsetValue.dataTypeString == "long")
"be able to create a DateTimeType instance" in {
val offsetValue = OffsetValue.DateTimeType(Instant.ofEpochMilli(1726564198000L))
assert(offsetValue.dataTypeString == "datetime")
assert(offsetValue.valueString == "1726564198000")
assert(offsetValue.getSparkLit == lit(1726564198000L))
assert(offsetValue.getSparkCol(col("a")) == concat(unix_timestamp(col("a")), date_format(col("a"), "SSS")).cast(LongType))

"be able to create a IntegralType instance" in {
val offsetValue = OffsetValue.IntegralType(42)
assert(offsetValue.dataTypeString == "integral")
assert(offsetValue.valueString == "42")
assert(offsetValue.getSparkLit == lit(42L))
assert(offsetValue.getSparkCol(col("a")) == col("a").cast(LongType))

"be able to create a StringType instance" in {
val offsetValue = OffsetValue.StringType("foo")
assert(offsetValue.dataTypeString == "string")
assert(offsetValue.valueString == "foo")
assert(offsetValue.getSparkLit == lit("foo"))
assert(offsetValue.getSparkCol(col("a")) == col("a").cast(StringType))

"getMinimumForType" should {
"be able to get minimum value for long type" in {
val offsetValue = OffsetValue.getMinimumForType("long")
assert(offsetValue.dataTypeString == "long")
"be able to get minimum value for datetime type" in {
val offsetValue = OffsetValue.getMinimumForType("datetime")
assert(offsetValue.dataTypeString == "datetime")
assert(offsetValue.valueString == MINIMUM_TIMESTAMP_EPOCH_MILLI.toString)

"be able to get minimum value for integral type" in {
val offsetValue = OffsetValue.getMinimumForType("integral")
assert(offsetValue.dataTypeString == "integral")
assert(offsetValue.valueString == Long.MinValue.toString)

Expand All @@ -57,9 +77,15 @@ class OffsetValueSuite extends AnyWordSpec {

"fromString" should {
"be able to create a LongType instance from a string" in {
val offsetValue = OffsetValue.fromString("long", "42")
assert(offsetValue.dataTypeString == "long")
"be able to create a DateTimeType instance from a string" in {
val offsetValue = OffsetValue.fromString("datetime", "1726552310000")
assert(offsetValue.dataTypeString == "datetime")
assert(offsetValue.valueString == "1726552310000")

"be able to create a IntegralType instance from a string" in {
val offsetValue = OffsetValue.fromString("integral", "42")
assert(offsetValue.dataTypeString == "integral")
assert(offsetValue.valueString == "42")

Expand All @@ -76,4 +102,59 @@ class OffsetValueSuite extends AnyWordSpec {

"compareTo" should {
"compare 2 datetime values" in {
val offsetValue1 = OffsetValue.DateTimeType(Instant.ofEpochMilli(1726564198000L))
val offsetValue2 = OffsetValue.DateTimeType(Instant.ofEpochMilli(1726564198001L))

assert(offsetValue1.compareTo(offsetValue2) < 0)
assert(offsetValue2.compareTo(offsetValue1) > 0)
assert(offsetValue2.compareTo(offsetValue2) == 0)

"throw an exception when attempting to compare a datetime value with value of some other type" in {
val offsetValue1 = OffsetValue.DateTimeType(Instant.ofEpochMilli(1726564198000L))
val offsetValue2 = OffsetValue.IntegralType(42)

assertThrows[IllegalArgumentException] {

"compare 2 integral values" in {
val offsetValue1 = OffsetValue.IntegralType(42)
val offsetValue2 = OffsetValue.IntegralType(43)

assert(offsetValue1.compareTo(offsetValue2) < 0)
assert(offsetValue2.compareTo(offsetValue1) > 0)
assert(offsetValue2.compareTo(offsetValue2) == 0)

"throw an exception when attempting to compare an integral value with value of some other type" in {
val offsetValue1 = OffsetValue.IntegralType(42)
val offsetValue2 = OffsetValue.StringType("foo")

assertThrows[IllegalArgumentException] {

"compare 2 string values" in {
val offsetValue1 = OffsetValue.StringType("bar")
val offsetValue2 = OffsetValue.StringType("foo")

assert(offsetValue1.compareTo(offsetValue2) < 0)
assert(offsetValue2.compareTo(offsetValue1) > 0)
assert(offsetValue2.compareTo(offsetValue2) == 0)

"throw an exception when attempting to compare a string value with value of some other type" in {
val offsetValue1 = OffsetValue.StringType("foo")
val offsetValue2 = OffsetValue.DateTimeType(Instant.ofEpochMilli(1726564198000L))

assertThrows[IllegalArgumentException] {
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pramen/build.sbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ val scala213 = "2.13.13"

ThisBuild / organization := ""

ThisBuild / scalaVersion := scala211
ThisBuild / scalaVersion := scala212
ThisBuild / crossScalaVersions := Seq(scala211, scala212, scala213)

ThisBuild / scalacOptions := Seq("-unchecked", "-deprecation")
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Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ object MetastorePersistence {
case DataFormat.Delta(query, recordsPerPartition) =>
new MetastorePersistenceDelta(
query, metaTable.infoDateColumn, metaTable.infoDateFormat, recordsPerPartition, saveModeOpt, metaTable.readOptions, metaTable.writeOptions
query, metaTable.infoDateColumn, metaTable.infoDateFormat, metaTable.batchIdColumn, batchId, recordsPerPartition, saveModeOpt, metaTable.readOptions, metaTable.writeOptions
case DataFormat.Raw(path) =>
new MetastorePersistenceRaw(path, metaTable.infoDateColumn, metaTable.infoDateFormat, saveModeOpt)
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Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ import scala.util.Try
class MetastorePersistenceDelta(query: Query,
infoDateColumn: String,
infoDateFormat: String,
batchIdColumn: String,
batchId: Long,
recordsPerPartition: Option[Long],
saveModeOpt: Option[SaveMode],
readOptions: Map[String, String],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,23 +68,22 @@ class MetastorePersistenceDelta(query: Query,

val whereCondition = s"$infoDateColumn='$infoDateStr'"

val recordCount = numberOfRecordsEstimate match {
case Some(count) => count
case None => dfIn.count()
val dfRepartitioned = if (recordsPerPartition.nonEmpty) {
val recordCount = numberOfRecordsEstimate match {
case Some(count) => count
case None => dfIn.count()

val dfRepartitioned = applyRepartitioning(dfIn, recordCount)
applyRepartitioning(dfIn, recordCount)
} else {

val saveMode = saveModeOpt.getOrElse(SaveMode.Overwrite)

val operationStr = saveMode match {
case SaveMode.Append => "Appending to"
case _ => "Writing to"

val isAppend = saveMode match {
case SaveMode.Append => true
case _ => false
val (isAppend, operationStr) = saveMode match {
case SaveMode.Append => (true, "Appending to")
case _ => (false, "Writing to")

if (log.isDebugEnabled) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,16 +117,29 @@ class MetastorePersistenceDelta(query: Query,
val stats = getStats(infoDate, isAppend)

stats.dataSizeBytes match {
case Some(size) =>"$SUCCESS Successfully saved ${stats.recordCount} records (${StringUtils.prettySize(size)}) to ${query.query}")
case None =>"$SUCCESS Successfully saved ${stats.recordCount} records to ${query.query}")
case Some(size) =>
stats.recordCountAppended match {
case Some(recordsAppended) =>"$SUCCESS Successfully saved $recordsAppended records (new count: ${stats.recordCount}, " +
s"new size: ${StringUtils.prettySize(size)}) to ${query.query}")
case None =>"$SUCCESS Successfully saved ${stats.recordCount} records " +
s"(${StringUtils.prettySize(size)}) to ${query.query}")
case None =>
stats.recordCountAppended match {
case Some(recordsAppended) =>"$SUCCESS Successfully saved $recordsAppended records (new count: ${stats.recordCount} to ${query.query}")
case None =>"$SUCCESS Successfully saved ${stats.recordCount} records to ${query.query}")


override def getStats(infoDate: LocalDate, onlyForCurrentBatchId: Boolean): MetaTableStats = {
val df = loadTable(Option(infoDate), Option(infoDate))
val recordCount = df.count()

val sizeOpt = query match {
case Query.Path(path) =>
Expand All @@ -142,7 +156,16 @@ class MetastorePersistenceDelta(query: Query,

MetaTableStats(recordCount, None, sizeOpt)
if (onlyForCurrentBatchId && df.schema.exists( {
val batchCount = df.filter(col(batchIdColumn) === batchId).count()
val countAll = df.count()

MetaTableStats(countAll, Option(batchCount), sizeOpt)
} else {
val countAll = df.count()

MetaTableStats(countAll, None, sizeOpt)

override def createOrUpdateHiveTable(infoDate: LocalDate,
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