This is the source code of our paper on electricity-theft detection published in TII in the 2017 year.
- Zibin Zheng , Yatao Yang , Xiangdong Niu , Hong-Ning Dai, Yuren Zhou. Wide & Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Electricity-Theft Detection to Secure Smart Grids[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2017:1-1.
- : include custom data processing functions that are needed in the experiment.
- : include the AUC, MAP@100, and MAP@200 metric function which will be executed on each epoch.
- the source code of our Wide&CNN model.
- : the main file, we can run to get the experimental results.
log/ : store experimental result logs.
data/ : store experimental datasets.
LINK: Extraction code: i6xy
It should be noted that tha data contains two files.
after_preprocess_data.csv : it is the electricity consumption data of users after data preprocessing.
label.csv : it is the label data of whether a user steal electricity. Each line corresponds to each user.