Minimal Setup to build an analysis using soot
export CLASSPATH=”.:<absolute path to soot-4.3.0-with-deps.jar>”
- Note also using the full jar name at the end, <path>/soot-4.3.0-with-deps.jar
- You can also create a softlink using ln -S <path_to_soot_jar> . and then do export CLASSPATH=”.:./soot-4.3.0-with-deps.jar”
export PATH=<absolute path to jdk-11.0.21+9/bin>:$PATH
javac *.java
java Analysis
- export the classpath as suggested earlier and then run java soot.Main -pp -cp . -f jimple Test.
- The command tries to generate jimple files for the Test.class file in sootOutput directory.
- cat ./sootOutput/Test.jimple to view file