This is a Simple C# project developed in Visual Studio for college. Default login Id for application is "abhi"and Password is "abhi". Operations involved - New Donner, Search, Delete and Update
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Go to repository and click on clone or download, Then Download Zip.
2.Locate the downloaded Zip and extract to the prject directory where you want to keep the project.
- Follow the steps to import project into visual Studio (Abhishek_vb_project2017MCA.sln)
For Devlopment :
Make sure you have Visual Studio and .NET Framework required to run C# code.
For running the project exe : Download and Run this on your windows OS.
- Visual studio 2008
- Photoshop for UI design
- Abhishek Bhardwaj - Stackoverflow profile - Stackoverflow profile Linkedin profile - Linkedin profile
This project is opensource anyone can use it for learnig/practicing for college projects, Kindly maintain the proper credits for author and contributers.