This is e-commerce backend implemented with fiber(v2) and mongodb. It is a simple e-commerce backend with basic features.
Make sure to set the following environment variables:
- Used in utils.CreateToken.ADMIN_PASS
- Used in controllers.Signup.ADMIN_EMAIL
- Used in controllers.Signup.MONGO_URI
- Used in database.ConnectWithMongodb.
- User jwt authentication with argon2 password hashing
- User roles (admin, user)
- User profile
- User cart
- User orders
- Product CRUD
- Admin routes
- POST /api/v1/auth/signup (signup)
- POST /api/v1/auth/signin (signin)
- POST /api/v1/auth/signout (signout)
- POST /api/v1/auth/profile (get user profile)
- GET /api/v1/products (get all products)
- GET /api/v1/products/:id (get product by id)
- POST /api/v1/products/create (create product) -- admin only
- PUT /api/v1/products/:id (update product) -- admin only
- DELETE /api/v1/products/:id (delete product) -- admin only
- POST /api/v1/cart/remove/:id (remove product from cart)
- POST /api/v1/cart/add/:id (add product to cart)
- POST /api/v1/orders (get all orders)
- POST /api/v1/orders/create (create order)
- GET /api/v1/admin/getUsers (get all users) -- admin only
- GET /api/v1/admin/getUser/:id (get user by id) -- admin only
- GET /api/v1/admin/deleteUsers (delete all users) -- admin only
- GET /api/v1/admin/delete/:id (delete user by id) -- admin only
- Clone the repo
- Run
go mod tidy
to install all the dependencies - Run
go run .
to start the server
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details