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Ellithium is a Unified powerful, flexible Test Automation Framework for Web, Mobile, API, DB Testing, designed to streamline and enhance the testing process. it provides an end-to-end solution for automated testing. With support for BDD.


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🌀 Ellithium

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🌀 Unified Test Automation Framework for Web, Mobile, API, SQL and NoSQL DBs Testing🚀

Ellithium is a Unified powerful, flexible, and scalable test automation framework designed to streamline and enhance the testing process. Leveraging tools such as TestNG, Cucumber, Rest Assured, and others, it provides an end-to-end solution for automated testing. With support for BDD, cross-browser testing, parallel execution, headless testing, and detailed Allure reporting, Ellithium aims to make your test automation faster, more reliable, and easier to maintain.

👨‍💻 Supported Testing PlatForms

Web Mobile API DB

🚀 Supported DB Types with Caching Mechanisms 🚀


🚀 Key Features

BDD Support Parallel Execution Cross-Browser Testing Headless Testing Logging Screenshots Attaching User Stories Linking Reporting Command line Executor Interface Synchronization Handling CI/CD integration Test Data Generation
  • Allure Reporting: Generate rich, interactive test reports with Allure, including test history and trend analysis.
  • Modular Design: A well-structured and modular framework promoting code reuse and easy maintenance.
  • Executing OS Commands: Execute system commands via the built-in Command Executor Interface.
  • API Testing: Full support for API testing with Rest Assured for RESTful services.
  • Database Testing: Extends coverage to both SQL and NoSQL databases, including MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, SQLite, Couchbase, MongoDB, and Redis, enabling comprehensive backend testing.
  • Mobile Testing: Test native, hybrid, and mobile apps on Android and IOS, with Appium integration and support for real devices and emulators.
  • Test Data Generation: Dynamically generate test data using Java Faker for realistic names, emails, addresses, and more.
  • CI/CD Integration: Seamless integration with popular CI/CD tools such as Jenkins, GitHub Actions, and GitLab.
  • Exception Handling: Robust mechanisms for capturing exceptions during test execution.

👨‍💻 Supported OS with OS Command Executor Interface for Desktop OS

Windows Mac Linux Android IOS

📄 Supported File Formats for Reading and Writing

Ellithium supports reading and writing data from various file formats, including:

JSON CSV Excel Properties Jar PDF Text

👨‍💻 Developed using:

Java Maven       IntelliJ IDEA

🦸 Powered by:

Selenium WebDriver       REST Assured       TestNG       Allure Reports       Appium


Ensure you have the following installed:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK): Version 17 or above (21 preferred)
  • Maven: 3.8.1 or higher

🏁 Getting Started

  • Follow these steps to set up a new Maven project with Ellithium: Here is the updated Getting Started section formatted for your README file:

Step 1: Create a New Maven Project

  • Create a new Maven project using your preferred IDE (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA).

Step 2: Update the pom.xml

  • Add the following configuration to your pom.xml to set the Java version, include the required dependencies, and configure the plugins.
    <!-- Maven Compiler Plugin -->

    <!-- Maven Surefire Plugin for TestNG Execution -->

    <!-- Exec Maven Plugin -->

Step 3: Open the Termenal in the Project directory then run this command

mvn clean test

Option 1: BDD Mode

  • Demo-Project for setup use after follow the following steps

Step 1: Create a Test Runner Class

  • Create a Runner Package then create a new class named TestRunner that extends the BDDSetup class from Ellithium.
  • Specify the paths for your feature files and step definitions using the @CucumberOptions.
package Runner;

import Ellithium.core.base.BDDSetup;
import io.cucumber.testng.CucumberOptions;

        glue = "stepDefinitions", // path to your stepDefinitions package, note you should use . instead of /
        features = "src/main/resources/features" // path to your features folder
        , tags = "@Run"
public class TestRunner extends BDDSetup {

Step 2: To Create a BaseStepDefinitions Class.

  • Create a BaseStepDefinitions class that will be used to extend the other StepDefinitions Classes from it.
package Base;

import Ellithium.core.driver.DriverFactory;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

public class BaseStepDefinitions {
    protected WebDriver driver;

    protected AndroidDriver androidDriver;
    protected IOSDriver iosDriver;

    public BaseStepDefinitions() {

        // for Local Machine Web Execution
        driver= DriverFactory.getNewLocalDriver(LocalDriverType.Chrome, HeadlessMode.False, PrivateMode.True, PageLoadStrategyMode.Normal,WebSecurityMode.SecureMode,SandboxMode.Sandbox);

        // for Remote Machine Web Execution
        driver= DriverFactory.getNewRemoteDriver(RemoteDriverType.Remote_Chrome,new URL("http://localhost:4723"),capabilities, HeadlessMode.False, PrivateMode.True, PageLoadStrategyMode.Normal,WebSecurityMode.SecureMode,SandboxMode.Sandbox);

        // for Android Mobile
        androidDriver= DriverFactory.getNewMobileDriver(MobileDriverType.Android,new URL("http://localhost:4723"),options);
        // for IOS Mobile
        iosDriver=DriverFactory.getNewMobileDriver(MobileDriverType.IOS,new URL("http://localhost:4723"),options);
       SQLDatabaseProvider db=new SQLDatabaseProvider(
        // for DB SQL Provider [SQLite]
        SQLDatabaseProvider SQLitedb= SQLDatabaseProvider( SQLDBType.SQLITE, pathToSQLiteDataBase);

        // for NoSQL DB Provider
        CouchbaseDatabaseProvider couchDB=CouchbaseDatabaseProvider(connectionString,  username,  password,  bucketName);
        MongoDatabaseProvider mongoDB=MongoDatabaseProvider( connectionString,  dbName);
        RedisDatabaseProvider redisDB=RedisDatabaseProvider( connectionString);
  • The default values for WebDriver if you didn't pass all the paramaters are:
    @default("false") String HeadlessMode,      // can be true or false (Not Supported with Safari)
    @default("Normal") String PageLoadStrategy, // can be Normal or Eager
    @default("True") String PrivateMode,        // can be true or false
    @default("Sandbox") String SandboxMode,     // can be Sandbox or NoSandbox (Not Supported with Safari)
    @default("True") String WebSecurityMode     // can be True or False (Not Supported with Safari)

Option 2: UI_NonBDD Mode

  • Demo-Project for setup use after follow the following steps

Step 1: Create a BaseTest Class

  • Create a UI_BDD Package then create a new class named BaseTest that extends the NonBDDSetup class from Ellithium.
package UI_BDD;

import Ellithium.core.driver.DriverFactory;
import Ellithium.core.base.NonBDDSetup;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.testng.annotations.*;

public class BaseTests extends NonBDDSetup {
    WebDriver driver;

    // with Web and the Same Logic for Other
    public void Setup() {
        // for Local Machine Web Execution
        driver = DriverFactory.getNewLocalDriver(LocalDriverType.Chrome, HeadlessMode.False, PrivateMode.True, PageLoadStrategyMode.Normal, WebSecurityMode.SecureMode, SandboxMode.Sandbox);

        // for Remote Machine Web Execution
        driver = DriverFactory.getNewRemoteDriver(RemoteDriverType.Remote_Chrome, new URL("http://localhost:4723"), capabilities, HeadlessMode.False, PrivateMode.True, PageLoadStrategyMode.Normal, WebSecurityMode.SecureMode, SandboxMode.Sandbox);

        // for Android Mobile
        androidDriver = DriverFactory.getNewMobileDriver(MobileDriverType.Android, new URL("http://localhost:4723"), options);

        // for IOS Mobile
        iosDriver = DriverFactory.getNewDriver(MobileDriverType.IOS, new URL("http://localhost:4723"), options);

        SQLDatabaseProvider db = new SQLDatabaseProvider(

    // for DB SQL Provider [SQLite]
    SQLDatabaseProvider SQLitedb = SQLDatabaseProvider(SQLDBType.SQLITE, pathToSQLiteDataBase);

    // for NoSQL DB Provider
    CouchbaseDatabaseProvider couchDB = CouchbaseDatabaseProvider(connectionString, username, password, bucketName);
    MongoDatabaseProvider mongoDB = MongoDatabaseProvider(String connectionString, String dbName);
    RedisDatabaseProvider redisDB = RedisDatabaseProvider(String connectionString);

    public void tareDown() {
  • Complete your logic as you like here after that
  • this class will be used to extend the other classes from it
  • as here in step 2

Step 2: Create a another Test Class and extend from the BaseTests class

package UI_BDD;

import Base.BaseTests;
import Ellithium.Utilities.assertion.AssertionExecutor;
import Pages.LoginPage;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class loginTests extends BaseTests {
    @DataProvider(name = "invalidLoginData")
    Object[][] getInvalidTestData() {
        return new Object[][]{
                {"tomsmith", "hamada", "Your password is invalid"},
                {"hamada", "SuperSecretPassword!", "Your username is invalid"}

    LoginPage login;

    @Test(priority = 1, dataProvider = "invalidLoginData")
    public void invalidLogin(String username, String password, String expectedMessage) {
        login = home.clickFormAuthentication();
        var secureAreaPage = login.clickLoginBtn();
        String actualMessage = secureAreaPage.getLoginMassega();

    @Test(priority = 2)
    public void validLogin() {
        login = home.clickFormAuthentication();
        var secureAreaPage = login.clickLoginBtn();
        String actualMessage = secureAreaPage.getLoginMassega();
        String expectedMessage = "You logged into a secure area!";

Step 3: Use Driver Actions Class to Perform actions on Web and Mobile, as It handles many steps and syncronization

package Pages;

import Ellithium.Utilities.interactions.DriverActions;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
public class LoginPage {
    WebDriver driver;
    DriverActions driverActions;
    public LoginPage(WebDriver driver) {
        driverActions=new DriverActions(driver);
    public void setUserName(String username){
        //                     locator,         data      , timeout, polling time 
        driverActions.sendData("username"),username, 5,           200);
    public void setPassword(String password){
        //                     locator,         data      , timeout
        driverActions.sendData("password"),password, 5);
    public SecureAreaPage clickLoginBtn(){
                //                     locator
        return new SecureAreaPage(driver);


This should cover the steps to get your Ellithium framework up and running in a new Maven project.

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