module name teamcityagents
This module installs a teamcity agent by copying the zip file installer contents to the local directory and creates a windows service. The teamcity agent does not appear in add/remove programs
The zip file installer requires that java be installed; the module will install java from a file share
name the module teamcityagents
Add the following to site.pp
$posh_cmd = "C:\Windows\SysNative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -executionpolicy remotesigned" $agenthome ="d:\buildagent"
$javahome ="d:\buildagent\jre"if $osfamily == 'windows' { File { source_permissions => ignore } } #Puppet defaults to applying the ownership and permissions from the source files.(linux permission)
node '' { include 'teamcityagents' }
edit the to point the agent at your teamcity server.
edit $agenthome To change the teamcity install directory
edit $javahome To change the java install directory
change \myfileserver\Installers in java.pp you the location of your java media
Teamcity version 8.1, agent build 29879 - replace the modules files with the distribution zip if you require a different version
Puppet 3.4.2+ agent required (as file permission puppet changed in this version and there where enhancements to the package installs for windows)
To run the teamcity agent as another user edit exec { "TCserviceaccount" & exec { 'SetTClogonServiceRights': & exec { "TCaccountpermission":
You must manually authorize the teamcity build agent on the teamcity server